Natural environmental protection and security of ' the worker law of mixing and drafting the soil waterproofly to insulate again

Natural environmental protection and security of ' the worker law of mixing and drafting the soil waterproofly to insulate against heat of rice husk '

[The intersection of Chiayi and news ] devoted to, endure the intersection of rice and grinder, in environment protecting mode in weight hundred million of processing apparatus, develop, in recent years, ' Nietzsche ' own brand on sale throughout market, deep plough even more energy-conservation make a reduction of carbons and purify the surface material industry of building already, well-regarded.

In weight hundred million industrial Chairman Lu spread, show, initiate again, precise to visit specialized processing machine rice husk mainly, through cut, get away the strip fiber, and then smelt, adjust process of proportion,etc. to make, is used in the inner, outer wall whitewashing and roof via rolling, very effective and waterproof insulating against heat, without air slaking, hydrolyze, because ventilative antibacterialing, can reduce the consumption of cement mortar even more, and safe and nonpoisonous.

Lu is said again, because the cement will be breathed, because of mixing and drafting the soil or mortar because of the moisture content, cause the porosity, have high water absorption, and because the damp and hot change in the environment, causes the harmful mould to produce, current PU and macromolecule working used construct and make the cement of roof, just as human body no matter cold all wearing a plastics type raincoat at the body by heat, airtight, does not dispel the heat, has not regulated the warm, humidity, it is apt to cause cancer of the wall, or the wall is full of cracks.

He says, all macromolecules make up the material, most water-proof, but is afraid of the ultraviolet ray in the sunshine, mainly because the ultraviolet ray will be destroyed among them the atomic bond is formed, cause full of cracksly to damage, and the rice husk has net structure of high tenacity, admix and can improve water-retaining property and slow coagulation utility to plan in the soil to mix in right amount, inhibit the universe from contracting in crack and hollow phenomenon effectively.

Lu say again, it mixes, plans the intersection of soil and waterproof working of insulating against heat by rice husk to be not merely recoverable to reuse, and does not include macromolecule and elasticizer composition, it is about equal environmental protection, energy-conservation that reduce the new working of carbon, Hsinchu life commemorate garden surround insurance money stove to adopt these material and act as the surface of building, and this working can help peasants in process of production even more, the two-shot use of rice husk, and promote peasant's income. (Zhang Jie) 2012/09/13