Raise the sewage disposal fee The gap is great to still manage pollution

 Price Bureau answers questions
Raise the sewage disposal fee The gap is great to still manage pollution

 To the relevant questions of the hearing, the relevant directors of Price Bureau have reacted.

 Q: Collect the sewage disposal fee, can totally solve sewages and handle problem?

 Response: It indicates, the sewage disposal cost of the whole city will be 1,343,710,000 yuan in 2007 that the cost of Price Bureau of the city is calculated. Calculate according to the scheme, it is estimated that can collect sewage disposal fee of 960 million yuan every year, compared with sewage disposal cost still have a gap of 380 million yuan; Caculate according to the second scheme, estimate that can collect sewage disposal fee of about 1,020 million yuan every year, the gap is about 320 million yuan.

 Q: If the shortfall of the fund exists, still continue expanding in the future, will still consider the price markup of new round?

  Response: Price Bureau says, the collection and operating position of the sewage disposal fee after this depends on that readjusts the price this time, should satisfy sewage treatment facilities construction and operation, should consider the burden of the society and ability to bear, still put into increasing to have something to do with the government. Present sewage disposal cost through investigate team is it examine to supervise strictly, can is it show representative of hearings to submit too then.

 Q: Implement every household has an ammeter could implement ladder water price and sewage disposal fee, will the situation will change then, does the expenses standard continue raising?

Response: The running water company will be in 5 years from 2006, 1,166,400 have not finished reading the ammeter directly yet resident's water family implement including reading the ammeter directly and measurement system that charge inside of terminal station is transformed to the whole city stage by stage, it is estimated that can create conditions for realizing ladder type water price in an all-round way by 2010. Q: Allow to have more different suggestion and scheme at the hearing? Will implement finally on no a at present scheme at all?

  Response: Price Bureau director say if everybody think two unreasonable scheme these, though can put forward one's own scheme, so long as reasonable. Submit the municipal government to examine and approve after the suggestion collected will be perfected further.

 Q: When to begin to implement the new expenses standard?

Response: This will wait for the hearing to determine after the meeting, January 1 next year can not implement the new price.

 Charge to compare new and old

A three member family

Pay 7 yuan more every month

The reporter has calculated, the three member family of a medium-sized income, each on average invite on the month by 18 tons of water,it last sewage disposal fee of 1.95 yuan according to current water rate /ton calculate, 35.1 yuan for a month. It raise the fees sewage disposal it get 1.1 yuans /after ton, 42.3 yuan for a month, the increasing degree of the expenses is 20%.