Abolish the tire and retrieve and store and remove the treatment method and facility standard
Administration's base word of the ring in October 23, the 91st year of the Republic of China of China is the 0th 9100 71579 order release
A standard of article 1 clears up the law in accordance with the offal (hereafter referred to as this law) Article 18 first item regulation stipulate.
Abolish the tire and retrieve and store and remove treatment method and facility to depend on a standard regulation, this standard stipulator, covered by other regulation of decree.
A standard terminology of article 2 is defined as follows:
First, abolish the tire: Should be retrieved and abolished the tire in accordance with this law article 15 second announcement.
Second, resolve and deal with: Abolish the tire with physics, chemistry, heat treatment or other methods, changing or irrecoverable treatment way to abolish the true features of the tire.
Third, the true features are utilized again: Is it abolish tire is it deal with to resolve, is it abolish simple occupation mode, tire of characteristic to utilize directly or indirectly to point.
It should accord with the following regulations that article 3 abolishes tire, recycled material, recovery of deriving the offal, stores, removes:
First, vehicle machines should set up rain-proof measure when transporting, avoid happen overflow, leakage, fly scattered is it lead to the fact pollute the environment or detrimental to health feeling thing to drop etc.ing.
Second, store the place, container, facility should often keep clean intact, can't have offal fly upward, overflow, leak, send out stench, feeling thing of polluting ground and water accumulation etc..
Third, should store it having waterproof ground where draining off water and pollutant dam facilities.
Fourth, store the factory ( Field) Should set up palisades and set up and store the prefecture around the district, abolish tire and recycled material, derive offal should pile and put in accordance with characteristic or quantity dividing into area their, label its kind and name.
The adjoint discrepancy in elevation stored in fifth, fen area can't exceed one Should also take the rope to truss up, protect the network, block one, the wall or other requisite measures, prevent the feeling thing of flying scatteredly, dropping, collapsing or collapsing etc..
Sixth, abolish the tire and should hide rain facilities and possess and prevent the equipment or measure that the mosquitos and flies or other diseases matchmaker multiplied to store, and should be fixed or spray environmental sanitation irregularly and use medicine, note down it for reference.
Seventh, store prefecture six range planted agent forbid fireworks, and can't preserve the any flammable material, should also set up and forbid fireworks to label.
Eighth, store the separating of the prefecture should keep unblocked to walk, can't hinder extra exit, fire control safety devices and electric switch,etc..
Ninth, transport vehicle machines to set up and put out a fire the equipment promptly, store the factory (field) The district should set up safety devices of fire control and lightning equipment or earth equipment, should also overhaul regularly.
Tenth, other persons who are appointed by the central competent authority.
Article 4 abolishes tire, recycled material, storing amount of deriving the offal, should accord with the following regulations. But not subject to the limits upon consent by competent authority person:
First, factory of retrieving industry ( Field) Abolishing the storing amount of the tire inside, the ones that can't exceed average two months abolish the retrieving amount of the tire.
Second, factory of dealing with industry ( Field) Abolishing the storing amount of the tire inside, the ones that can't exceed average three months abolish the handling capacity of the tire. Dealing with industry and concurrently retrieving industry person, the factory (field) It is inside abolish by tire storing amount,also and.
Third, factory of dealing with industry ( Field) Abolish the recycled material of the tire or derive the storing amount of offal inside, can't exceed the average production amount of three months.
Fourth, other persons who are appointed by the central competent authority.
Article 5 abolish tire person who utilize again with true features, can't is it pollute the environment or is it fall ill matchmaker mosquitos and flies feeling thing to multiply to have.
It should be one of the following ways that article 6 abolishes the tire and resolves and deals with:
First, deal with brokenly: Utilize freezing, mechanical force, chemical solvent or other ways, will abolish the tire and deal with the ways of chip or the powder.
Second, splitting decomposition is dealt with: It is under having oxygen or the little oxygen environment, utilize heat energy to abolish tire splitting decomposition, make it resolve into treatment ways of oil, carbon black, other gas, residue,etc..
Third, utilization of energy: It is in order to abolishing the tire or abolishing chip of the tire as raw materials producing the energy.
Fourth, other persons who are appointed by the central competent authority.
Article 7 It should accord with the following regulations to abolish the treatment of the tire:
First, deal with the homework must there are factories of enclosure all around ( Field) Go on in the district.
Second, deal with the operation area and should drain off water and the pollutant dam facilities.
Third, deal with operation area take for concrete shop front, in order to prevent sewage, oils,etc. Dr.eye: from permeate underground pollute the soil or the underground water body.
Fourth, factory ( Field) It should set up district damming, collecting, oil moisture that is or not liquid by oils from and treatment facilities not relevant.
Fifth, abolish the tire and deal with the factory brokenly ( Field) Should set up the dust-collecting equipment, possess and abolish the tire broken and rubing the powder equipment or other cut shaping equipment.
Sixth, abolish tire splitting decomposition and deal with the factory ( Field) Should possess the equipment abolishing the tire and refining the oil and prevent the oil from letting out the measure.
Seventh, persons who regard as the utilization of energy by abolishing the tire, should possess the kiln, produce vapour equipment, steel-making equipment or vapour electric intergrowth equipment.
Eighth, deal with raw materials or the utilization of energy as splitting decomposition by abolishing the tire chip, it abolish tire chip to broken to punish the factory to abolish tire ( Field) Persons who obtain, should set up the dust-collecting equipment and broken and rubing the powder equipment.
Ninth, deal with the factory ( Field) The district should set up safety devices of fire control and lightning equipment or earth equipment, should also overhaul regularly.
Tenth, other persons who are appointed by the central competent authority.
Article 8 is it abolish in accordance with this law article 18 5th regulation tire retrieve and drive out and punish the person who replenish to apply, should accord with the following regulations:
First, handle the recovery of registration with competent authority in accordance with this law article 16 method normal responsibility industry person that item 4 stipulate in accordance with this law article 18 way that item 4 stipulates, dealing with industry.
Second, should accord with the treatment way of abolishing the tire of 6th regulation of a standard, regarded as the rubber products, rubber products raw materials, rubber pitch raw materials, oil refine raw materials or cement kiln, papermaking industry, steel-making industry, vapour electric intergrowth factory,etc. Dr.eye: produce use, energy of raw materials.
Third, Yu Jin material set up the measuring equipmemt before punishing.
Fourth, appoint the checking authentication area of the announcement to set up and take a photograph of and make video recording the monitoring system in the central competent authority.
Fifth, set up the special-purpose ammeter dealing with the equipment.
Sixth, should possess and should retrieve the ability of abolishing the tire of various kinds of specification measurement to deal with.
Seventh, factory ( Field) The district uses the land to need to carry and deal with the factory ( Field) Land title of ownership, land register ( The book) Transcribe one and land inventory, it plan for city area should is it enclose dividing into area of land utilization prove to examine; Only if person who has land by oneself, should is it enclose land utilization letter of consent or publicly-owned land management organ is it use or is it apply for documentary evidence of registration to agree to permit to examine.
Eighth, propose and stop doing business, declare bankruptcy by oneself or other origin of an incident are caused and can't be engaged in while dealing with the business, to not dealing with the waste treatment emergency plan completed yet, and has been checked and ratified by the central competent authority.
Ninth, it have model, equipment, procedure, quality balance chart and running-in report in dealing with the equipment removed, dealing with that propose.
Tenth, other persons who are appointed by the central competent authority.
To abolish tire broken to punish the factory ( Field) The ones that obtained abolished chip of the tire and dealt with raw materials or the person who carries on utilization of energy as splitting decomposition, can't apply to abolish the tire and retrieve and remove and deal with replenishing.
Article 9 abolishes the deriving offals after retrieving, storing, removing, dealing with of tire, should is it handle to stipulate in accordance with copies of standard, it belong to undertaking offal person, is it remove in accordance with undertaking offal treatment method and regulation, facility of standard is it store, remove, deal with to handle to store.
The preceding paragraph derives the output of the offal, transit in transit, should accord with the regulation of article 38 of this law.
Have already obtained and abolished the tire resource chemical plant before a standard of article 10 is implemented, the central nuclear treatment organization or special project upon consent by central competent authority that prepares against of competent authority deal with the person who abolishes tire, should finish improving before July 31, the 92nd year of the Republic of China in China, accord with a standard regulation.
Article 11 This standard releases the sun to implement by oneself.