W12 torpedo car track railway roadbed part well up mud is it study to improve
Levi's peak
Taiwan build research institute take precautions against natural calamities a scientific and technological group's group leader
Yellow and also quick
Taiwan build research institute take precautions against natural calamities a scientific and technological group's assistant researcher
Chen JingWen
Professor of department of civil engineering of National Cheng Kung University
Chinese iron company Kaohsjung steel mill in the factory, torpedo car track railway roadbed go through one one year already because of service time, and the car load of existing torpedo has already exceeded the primitive load of designing far, therefore the part takes place to well up the mud in many track railway roadbeds ( pumping) Phenomenon, cause track even Shen fall into or twist out of shape, influence the traffic safety seriously, and factory railway transport homework prolong and stop up to some extent because of maintaining frequency to increase. To welling up in plan in this for mud state,it utilize put more energy into worker there aren't material, formate to put more energy into to ground worker principle and way make one explanation, and to worker put more energy into material is it analyse to go on on project use in track material, is it test reality of section use result, well up to track railway roadbed part mud problem get the solution out of now to cooperate, is it hit steel Company to factory elsewhere track railway roadbed at the same situation take placing future to offer, can propose in accordance with this plan the way is repaired by oneself, hope to reach and save manpower, material resources by this, lengthen service life, and reduce the purpose to maintain frequency.
The rail roads of the largest steel manufacturer, in Taiwan, have been in operation for ten more years, which afford mainly the transportation of furnace liquid steel. The rails bear very heavy shuttle cars, each weighs 500 to 800 tons in full. Due to the extremely excessive load and frequently cyclic loading, serious pumping problems had appeared along the rails, causing aggressive ground settlements and distortion of rails. To solve the problem, geosynthetics is used to provide functions of separation and reinforcement. The principles and methods of geosynthetics are discussed in this paper, followed by testing section design, monitoring results and analysis. Results show that the performance of geosynthetics is effective in treating the pumping problem.
First, preface
Chinese iron company Kaohsjung steel mill in the factory, torpedo car track railway roadbed go through one one year already because of service time, and existing torpedo car load exceed primitive load of designing far already, therefore many track railway roadbed take place part well up mud ( pumping) Phenomenon, cause track even Shen fall into or twist out of shape, influence the traffic safety seriously, and factory railway transport homework prolong and stop up to some extent because of maintaining frequency to increase.
Collated the result by the on-the-spot meeting, our institute offers and renovates and takes precautions against the suggestion with the future, the preliminary conclusion is as follows:
1, railway roadbed structure because already up to service life, original gravel a large amount of Shen fall into to glueing the soil layer already, one layer of thickness reduce and reduce to cause the railway roadbed to bear the weight of strength because of gravel.
2, excess repeated load that cause by the fact that the torpedo car goes cause railway roadbed glue hole water pressure of soil layer rise, cause the particulate material to gush out along the gravel hole.
Reconnoitre the result according to the aforesaid, it plan formate there aren't material to designing by using the workers now,namely can't join at railway roadbed the designs worker last use of material, the ground worker formates the function of the material besides increasing the bearing capacity in the railway roadbed, and can isolate and glue soil layer and gravel floor and prevent particulate material from rising and helping to drain off water, reduce and excite hole water pressure.
This plan will formate putting more energy into principle and way and functioning as one explanation of the material to the ground worker, and to worker put more energy into material is it analyse, is it test reality of section use result now to cooperate to go on on project use in track, to hit track railway roadbed part, Company of steel, well up mud problem get the solution out of, and person who use worker formate design and planning step of material, is it hit steel Company to factory elsewhere track railway roadbed at the same situation take placing future to offer, can propose in accordance with this plan the way is repaired by oneself, hope to reach and save manpower, material resources by this, lengthen service life, and reduce the purpose to maintain frequency.
Second, state summary now
This plan selects the torpedo car track which hits the southeast of steel factory with hitting the steel company's organizor in accordance with the result of reconnoitring (amount to three rails) ,Carry on a project. This area is defeated by the torpedo car greatly, under repeated loading for a long time, cause underground detailed situation that material gush, regular meeting is it gush out the mud mouth like crater form to form by track, form yellow clod after the dryness, as Fig. 2.1- 2. shows.
Well up the mud situation by the track of Fig. 2.1
Well up the mud situation among the track of Fig. 2.2
Besides obviously finding that wells up the situation that the mud squirts, on dish among track cut, can find that well up the situation that the mud pollutes too, as Fig. 2.3 shows.
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Fig. 2.3 wells up the mud and pollutes one to cut
In the course of reconnoitring, find when car passes the torpedo the track, the weight because of the torpedo car, make the track sink, resume the former state, the pressurization, removing of so repeated loading again after car passes the torpedo, may form rising of water pressure under the the earth's surface, make particulate material gush out, pollute grade mix layer and dish cut. In addition, handing over the place on the track and general road surface, the pitch road surface has a sagging situation, is it close to obvious rail, infer it at the basic level soil have Shen fall into already to heal, show some gravel one has perhaps already invaded to the thin material floor downwards.
Via reconnoitring, the on-the-spot situation wells up mud phenomena, one cuts and meets with pollution, the road surface sinks and the track receive the situation with uneven strength, need safeguarding in order to the security of keeping driving a vehicle.
Third, geological investigation result and analysing
The project of this geological investigation of project can be divided into an on-the-spot investigation and tested in the room, is it is it hole, try on hole and is it examine his quantity as follows to shake to divide into to investigate live.
Form 3.1 drilling homework projects and statistical forms
Hole number
Depth of drilling
SPT number of times
Split and is in charge of taking a sample to count
The thin tube counting
BH-1 adopts the rotatory type and takes a sample; OW-1 and OW-2 quarry water person who wash take a sample only for bury underground whom water pressure count spend, but understand in the lump in the construction course their strata are distributed the state.
Watch 3.2 tries the homework project in the hole
Try the serial number of the hole
Excavate the depth (M)
TP-1 lies in and examines the line serial number L3 place; TP-2 lies in and examines the line serial number L4 place.
Form 3.3 shakes and examines the project of the homework
Examine the line serial number
Examine the length of line (M)
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Project this is it is it examine law of refracting to shake, cooperate with result of drilling assess and draw thickness distribution map of stratum not to try assess when paving use result its with conduct to adopt.
Test the statistical form in the laboratory of watch 3.4
Experimental project
Quantity (group)
Standardize the method
The general physical property testing
1.The unit is heavy
2.Particle analysis
Project this geological investigation result divide into three part prove and act as a preliminary inference in accordance with the result of the income.
3.1 drilling results now
Can receive by on-the-spot result of drilling way of factory cut thickness about 70 centimeters, it is yellowish-brown powder quality clay to 3.6 metres, is the grey powder quality clay to the powder quality fine sand to the depth of drilling in the powder quality clay.
The steel primitive track design drawing, design containing below it while consulting(from lower to upper) Stove stone gravel each, grade mix layer and line cut layer, total thickness invite 1 m altogether. But gathered and welled up mud material analysis live, it belong to getting pale brown powder quality clay, contrast drilling fruit block diagram (BH-1) ,Learn pale brown one glue soil layer distribute under the earth's surface inviting 2 m officing, thick to invite 2 m; If by holing to write down (OW-1 and OW-2) twice by the track Compare, find getting pale brown powder quality clay make an appointment 1- 4 m office under the earth's surface, study and judge, track well up material of mud should belong to getting pale brown powder quality clay, unless distribute to the earth's surface it it invite 1 m office, the thick to last 2.5 m,but may because influence of loading not repeated, is it to the earth's surface 0.8 m office, is it gush out the situation in ground to have to pollute upwards already. Take out the soil situation for drilling in Fig. 3.1.
Soil kind of Fig. 3.1 is taken out - pale brown powder quality clay
Two excavated live tries its result in the hole to divide and state as follows ( Fig. 3.2) :
TP-1: It is the yellowish-brown powder quality clay after 70 centimeters are cut for one under the earth's surface of it. Powder its quality clay existing part well up into mud (or in charge of welling up) Function is invaded and cut storey to the upper strata way. Comparatively neat for its boundary line invading. Its thickness invaded is about 20 centimeters.
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TP-2: It is the yellowish-brown powder quality clay after 70 centimeters are cut for one under the earth's surface of it. Powder its quality clay is it well up into mud partly to have also (or in charge of welling up) Function is invaded and cut storey to the upper strata way. But its boundary line invaded is comparatively confused.
(a) It is experimental for hole excavate,below on being the pale brown have the clays it well up by situation.
(b) The grade of batching is invaded downwards and the thin material is polluted upwards
Fig. 3.2 batching and getting pale brown powder quality clay pollute the situation
3.2 there is a earthquake result of examining now
Refract seismic wave is it is it examine 9 to construct altogether to survey, label for L-1- L-9, for is it melt a gleam of, melt Line two and melt the strategic hinterland of China assign to stretch over L-1- L-5 among them separately this time, each examine line 24 of interval, receive wave device 1.5 of interval, every row replacement examines 16.5 metres, L-6- L-9 is the parallel rail, construct examining while lying and melting a gleam of and melting Line two, examine the line and link to each other, receive the interval of the wave device 1.5 metres, every row replacement examines 34.5 metres, construct and examine length of 220.5 metres altogether, 3.3 Fig. Dr.eye: -3.11 Fig. their speed layers of section system, by analysis result this, base this examine line range dish cut about 4.22.2 of thickness, change, speed of layer for react stratum make up material, weather degree and glued difference of degree, arranges the result surveyed this time as follows in details now.
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Is it examine result show it dish is it include grade mix thickness of layer average to invite 1 m to cut to shake, with primitive to is it conform to design, but when different section, it line is it include grade mix thickness of layer change and change to cut, design 1 m office under the earth's surface all and primitively, show below soil there is welling up the situation upwards of different proportions, or above mix grade there aren't layer.
Fig. 3.3 L-1 examines one layer of section systems 3.4 L-2 of linear velocity and examines one layer of section systems of linear velocity
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Fig. 3.5 L-3 examines one layer of section systems 3.6 L-4 of linear velocity and examines one layer of section systems of linear velocity
Fig. 3.7 L-5 examines one layer of section systems 3.8 L-6 of linear velocity and examines one layer of section systems of linear velocity
Fig. 3.9 L-7 examines one layer of section systems 3.10 L-8 of linear velocity and examines one layer of section systems of linear velocity
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Fig. 3.11 L-9 examines one layer of section systems of linear velocity
3.3 investigation result analysis
Investigation this project by drilling, try hole and shake result that examine, the way under the earth's surface of it cuts thick about 70~100 centimeters, the lower floor is grey clay storey. Lower floor clay layer for a long time torpedo car water pressure weight lead to the fact, make clay layer pollute upper strata dishes of situation that cut quite serious but pollution their and neat to invite to pollute 20 centimeters upwards in TP-1, TP-2 pollution its range line comparatively in disorder and their heaviest thickness of pollution is up to 50 centimeters. This factor needs to consider while trying paving. Water table that investigate lie the earth's surface 3.5 their should in is it is it excavate surface side to pave to try at ordinary times nearly.
Fourth, test section and lay and plan and design
4.1 place workers formate the material project characteristic
The ground worker formates the material the main function to the material can be divided into six major parts: Such six items as filtering, draining off water, isolating, putting more energy into, detention, protecting,etc.. The worker was formated the material to widely apply the material to the road surface project in America and Europe and other places since 1990, person who use worker formate the segregation of the material mainly ( Separation) With putting more energy into ( Reinforcing) Function.
The ground worker formates materials to apply to the road surface project ( The highway) ,Or railway project, can unify the application called a grain of material basic unit / the ground floor, all offer the function isolated, put more energy into and draining off water to low grains of material basic unit / the ground floor the road surface or the track. According to federal Highway Administration Bureau of U.S.A. (Federal Highway Administration, FHWA) Research point out, whether person who use worker formate material deal with grains of material basic unit / the ground floor of road surface, have the following advantages.
1, reduce and spread the stress to the ground floor, prevent a grain of material in the basic unit from invading the ground floor.
2, prevent welling up to the basic unit on the particulate material of the ground floor.
3, prevent the basic unit from being polluted, and make a grain of material lose the function that is originally offered and drained off water.
4, reduce improper ground floor soil dig except that thickness.
5, reduce grains of thickness.
6, in paving the project of building in the basic unit, reduce the perturbation of the ground floor.
7, offer intensity to the ground floor to develop.
8, reduce road surface or difference Shen of track fall into, contribute to the integrality of the road surface or the track.
9, reduce and maintain the number of times and lengthen the road surface or track service life.
Isolate the function on 4.1.1 (including filtering with detention)
The so-called segregation is with the ground worker's fabric ( Do not weave cotton cloth or weave cotton cloth) Detention ( Retention) With filtering ( Filtration) The gravel material that the function hinders the basic unit of dead end falls into the gradually weak ground floor because the repeated loading of the rut excites excess hole water pressure, prevent particulate material of ground floor from rise the pollution basic unit but reduce their bearing capacity with excess hole water pressure too ( Such as Fig. 4.1) .
Fig. 4.1 place worker formate material isolate the function
The main mechanism of isolating the function can refer to Fig. 4.2, include two parts: It prevent from below the particulates the the materialses well up to above whether grade mix by layer,too above preventing from mix grade there aren't layer. Fig. 4.2 among them (a) Show it for the particulate material of the ground floor, because the influence that top repeated load or the underground water pressure strength change, grade mix space of layer above pouring into upwards, form below particulate ' pollute ', upper strata grade mix phenomenon of layer, can cause particulate of ground floor fill-up grade mix hole of layer, influence grade mix layers of already existing water drainage function gradually so; Worker formate material, can prevent from on detailed material welling up pollution effectively. On the other hand, Fig. Dr.eye: 4.2 (b) Grade mix layer invade detailed material situation of layer, can cause magnitude mix to sink layer so above being, even Shen fall into, transforms the road surface or the track into and destroys will not cause the road surface or the track ing, influence the traffic safety; Similarly, worker formate material in put into between the two interface, can improve grade mix gravel grain invade detailed material situation in layer effectively. Grade mixes layer and invades thin material layer below above preventing, call it ' detention '; And it prevent from in below the material not detaileds well up unless there aren't pollution the grades, call it because ' filter ', these functions formate (a) Well up material not detailed layer it pollute there aren't grade,and use formate worker there aren't material.
(b) Mix grade by layer downwards it invade material mechanism of the layers not detailed,and use formate worker there aren't material.
Fig. 4.2 place worker formate material isolate the function mechanism
Put more energy into the function on 4.1.2
And worker last road surface of material not putting more energy into principle to lay worker last material who has tensile strength not high at shop front or way the basic units ( Weave cotton cloth or graticule mesh) Offer extra side direction impedance, use to disperse the centralized loading of the rut, stop bearing the weight of the emergence that is destroyed (such as Fig4.3) .
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Disperse rut loading in Fig. 4.3
Ground worker formate to put more energy into mechanism can prove by picture 4.4- 4. material. Generally speaking, put more energy into function of material formating worker, engineering formates materials in in the road surface or basic unit below of track, set up mainly, shut a ability of resisting of the material with the ground worker, a bunch of strength of making that offer the crosswise of the soil at the basic level, it reduce basic unit because of above pressure of wheel or track,it is sink ground not to cause. Proved by Fig. Dr.eye: 4.4, above the road surface when the wheel or the track transmit strength down, will cause the movement expanding outwards in the side direction, it causes the basic unit to move to two sides that it will be related that this burst will be moved, and soil layer produce vertical emergency of direction above making, and make the road surface or the track sink, form the so-called rut. If worker formate material in lay among the basic unit, can make worker, person who transmit to of strength, at formating materials, its that side direction expand for strength can draw last material worker,and cause formate worker there aren't material, resist because the side direction strength emerging in the wheel or the track, offer a bunch of making to use to the basic unit, and the side direction of reducing the basic unit is moved. Stress one of shown unit receive strength situation, namely prove that formates the square different receiving the strength situation from head to foot of material in ground engineering of Fig. 4.4 and 4.5, low stress piece, shearing stress its reduce, namely worker formate material offer side direction bunch to is it send to to make. The ground worker formates materials besides putting in the basic unit and interface of the ground floor, can put it in the middle of basic unit too, as Fig. 4.5 shows. Because the ground worker can offer extra bunch to make to formate materials, that is to say that puts more energy into the function, so can reduce the thickness of the basic unit effectively, can reach the strength of bearing the weight of that the original thickness need.
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Put more energy into the material and reduce ¦Ò v, ¦Å v increases ¦Ò h, reduces ¦Å h and reduces ¦Ò v, ¦Å v reduces and cuts strength ¦Ó Basic unit Ground floor (-)(+) Put more energy into material tension and meet an emergency
Whether Fig. 4.4 place worker formate material put more energy into the principle. Set up on basic unit and ground floor interface
Reduce ¦Ò v, ¦Å v increases ¦Ò h, reduces ¦Å h and reduces ¦Ò v, ¦Å v reduces and cuts strength ¦Ó Basic unit Ground floor
Put more energy into the material
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Whether Fig. 4.5 place worker formate material put more energy into the principle. Set up in the basic unit
For putting more energy into the representing of the function, it is all right to lift to prove in the same way; Broms( Broms, B. B., " Triaxial Tests with Fabric-Reinfored Soil" , 1977) It utilize there aren't three axle,come not formating material putting more energy into not displaying examining the workers and formate worker there aren't material. Result of cutting strength tested for three axles in Fig. Dr.eye: 4.6, worker formate to cut strength intensity change material, but regard it as the datum line. The ones that expressed the local worker formated materials and put while trying the body top or the bottom of curve 2 cut the strength change, can learn by 2 curve curve 2 ground worker formate material disposed and has not increased and tried on cutting the intensity of strength of body relatively with 1 curve, show try on body resist it cut intensity not promoted, formate worker there aren't material. Phenomenon this because ground worker formate position of material, until tradition 3 axle test, it in try on by body it last area,it show formate worker there aren't material, it is unable to offer any benefit.
But formate ground worker material is it on middle position to try on the body, or try 1/3 of the places of the body to put, such as 3 curve and 4 curve, what result of the test demonstrate put more energy into result to be right away very obvious. Disposition way, curve 3 and curve of 4, it so happened not utilizing formate worker there aren't material, improve and try resisting the ability of cutting of body, and get the result of putting more energy into. As Fig. 4.6 shows, the double layers of curve 4 dispose the way (lie in and try body in 1/3 of the places) Relatively the disposition ways of contours 3 that obvious ( Lie while trying the body) The result is good.
( a) Close sand, 21 kPa encloses the state of pressing ( b) Close sand, 210 kPa encloses the state of pressing
Fig. 4.6 place worker different to put position third of axle result of the test to formate material
In sum, ground worker formates the project characteristic of the material, give play to his isolating and function with strength mainly, one is the pollution of one grade of batching and particulate material which prevent the basic unit and ground floor, one is a bunch of strength of making of side direction of offering the soil at the basic level, fall into Shenyang of the road surface or the track above reducing. So person who use worker formate material, it isolate and put more energy into function main benefit not to lie in
1, lengthen service life: Pollution preventing the particulate material from causing and invasion of one grade of batching, and improve a bunch of strength of making of side direction of the basic unit effectively, as to road surface or track project, can reduce the number of times of fixed maintenance, maintain the funds sparingly, and then lengthen the service life of the road bed (such as Fig. 4.7) .
2, save the use of a grain of material: Because the ground worker formates putting more energy into the function of the material, can reduce the side direction caused by top load and shift effectively, increase a bunch of strength of making of side direction of the soil, so can reduce the thickness at the basic level, save the use of a grain of material, and reach the same strength of bearing the weight of to require ( Such as Fig. 4.8) .
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Fig. 4.7 lengthens service life
Fig. 4.8 saves the gravel material
4.2 tests a section of planning
Test the focal point of a section of planning as follows:
( 1) Planning is tested section everywhere altogether ( Is it test section and test pieces of A B C to contrast) ,Each section length 20 metres,each it test by section and there will be long buffer of 10 metres with avoiding with putting more energy into there aren't railway roadbedded (such as 4.9 of Fig.s) .
Test Section A
Buffering area
Test Section B
Buffering area
Test Section C
Buffering area
Contrast and test section
(test Section D)
20m - 12 -
Test a section of planning in Fig. 4.9
( 2) Is it test section is it construct again to design in accordance with original railway roadbed with person who buffer to contrast, buffer sector is it cover the ground Engineer fabric isolate different soil layer to add on ground floor and basic unit.
( 3) Test sections of ABC main planning is it examine nuclear to use dishes of dreg and basic unit put more energy into to consider. Isolate it from ground floor of the base to saving materials ( Reduce the thickness at the basic level) With lengthening service life ( Reduction of deformation amount at the same time) Benefit, is it it plans to be whole Company, steel of China, propose designing and planning in detail behind the relevant materials Hui Yu to design actually, including put more energy into and isolate the choice of the material ( Intensity of material and law material nature) ,The thickness and basic unit at the basic level put more energy into the position etc..
( 4) Test section plan monitoring system, monitor underground water pressure changing, the earth's surface deformation amount also each.
( 5) It monitor it expire,to testing there aren't section,assess actually last effect of material worker, for example isolate materials and block the degree, put more energy into the material out of shape and damage the degree etc..
The basic unit isolating from ground floor
( Separation) Track Sleeper One cutting Basic unit ( Bear the weight of layer) The basic unit of ground floor puts more energy into Subase Reinforcement) One cutting and putting more energy into ( Ballast Reinforcement)
4.3 tests a section of design
Test section is it consider Engineer formate material nature for soil nature now and can adopt mainly to design. Consider the size of particle of the soil below a size of foot-path of one grade of batching and ground floor separately in soil nature now. Ground worker formate material nature consider ground mesh all kinds of, intensity of tension, worker of graticule mesh, worker fabric consider their hole size and water permeability quality.
Through consulting relevant documents (White Paper II) Find width its twice, sleeper of length generally, as for bury underground depth lie in at the basic level bottom relatively good effect their mostly, put more energy into intensity of material have obvious theory support, is it discover by several dozen group their with to result relatively good products have Tanser to correlated with yet, so this research will adopt the place worker's graticule mesh of the Tanser SS30-G type in order to test materials.
This plan is considered now the project constructs and simplifies, and because the pollution degree in every place is different below the track, determine to be excavating to unifying the depth, spread one sand layer in advance, worker formate materials except is it level surface is it lay to do benefit to to offer, contribute to filtering below and glueing the detailed material of soil property too. Its design procedure is sketched as follows:
1, as to after soil a drop of material analyse now, determine a size of foot-path of storey of necessary sand. Plan this is it is it pass 40 - fine sand, his D in the 100 of to adopt to plan 85= #40( 0.425 mm) ,It is the least 10 cm to lay the thickness.
2, after selecting sand in one storey of foot-paths, select the suitable place worker and formate materials. Plan last ground worker graticule mesh and combine together kinds of material, workers of ground not synthetic of material worker fabric, its ground is for 39 mm in workers graticule meshes meshes, worker fabric hole not effective is for 0.125 mm. Explanation of in order to select the material Fig. Dr.eye: 4.10.
Tensar SS30-G Composite
Roll width
Roll length
Roll weight
SS30 geogrid component
QC strength Tult
Load at 2% strain
Load at 5% strain
Approx strain at Tult
Junction strength
Minimum carbon black
Unit weight
Geotextile component
Puncture resistance (CBR)
Effective opening size
¦Ì m
Unit weight
Picture 4.10 plan adopt material prove
3, the worker formates the material association in accordance with testing section and disposing differently, detailed like Fig. Dr.eye: 4.11.
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-14 -
Weak road bed
One cutting layer
Grade mixing layer
Sand layer
Grade mixing layer
Sand layer
Tensar SS30G
One cutting layer
Weak road bed
Tensar SS30G
Test Section A
Test Section B
Sand layer
Grade mixing layer
One cutting layer
Weak road bed
Weak road bed
One cutting layer
Soft personality network
Grade mixing layer
Ground worker's fabric
Sand layer
Test Section C
Test Section D - Contrast and test section
Test section and design the sectional drawing in Fig. 4.11
4.4 monitoring systems planning
The monitoring system of this project has already had documents and expectancy results, understand its consideration, so the instrument of this project proposes using water pressure to count and the earth's surface sinks into and counts. It lasts their to be main purpose lie in not understanding distribution and the torpedo car of water pressure not underground at ordinary times of to water pressure through behind hole water pressure size not excess excited. The earth's surface is it is it understand result the stability degree cut after improving that lay its and change the situation to count to sink into. Set up its first of position lie in and contrast the trial zone, another place lies in and tests one section of B districts.
Fifth, test a section of construction
Test sections of construction plan design in accordance with chapter six, is it test railway highway section to select on Company factory, steel of China, excavate test it carry on section it construct,and formate worker because there aren't material, and whether installation fall into record of in Shen, it is monitor not to carry on by the falling into amounts Shen,sketch construction course and precautions per stage like after.
5.1 is excavated and laid the sand layer now
Excavate and adopt machinery to be excavated now, such as Fig. 5.1 and Fig. 5.2. Show by 5.2 of Fig., excavate ground after analogous to mud, show the earth's surface water content of soil layer quite high, it consult drilling result,below it is yellow for powder quality clay layer,drain off water for one by layer, conform with excavating the present situation.
During the process of excavating now, need to match the protection and migration of the pipeline, it is the escape canal by testing one section of scenes in addition, avoid destroying the wall of escape canal too in excavating. Is it test sections of B and test sections of below of C is it suspected to be concrete lump and culvert pipe to have to find in excavating, this has not been labelled original design drawing, should make for the project afterwards, in order to avoid influencing the result of study of a plan, this place has already been planned in order to buffer section, reduce its influence on one section of results of testing.
Excavate Fig. 5.2 and excavate the surface to put in order now in Fig. 5.1
5.3 Fig., and 5.4 Fig. for after excavating, test sections of A and test sections of B two side soil layer sectional situation now, can find out soil layer section can general to divide into line cut layer and magnitude mix layer obviously in picture, there is situation polluted by the weak clay below. Test sections of C and test sections of excavation section of D, there are the same situations too.
5.3 Fig. excavate section - test pieces of A
: 5.4 Fig. excavate section - test pieces of B
5.5 Fig. for after excavating, is it construct fine sand layer machines is it lay to go on, lay thickness in accordance with it designs to be 10 centimeters to utilize, sand layers of purpose of laying, besides helping the soil to drain off water, worker material lay working range when for follow-up of offering mainly, help the laying of the ground engineering material.
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Fig. 5.5 sand layer finishes constructing
5.2 place workers formate materials to lay
Generally lay and join on 5.2.1
It is quite simple for the ones that formate the material in ground engineering to lay, be exactly tied the material and lifted directly to testing one section of scenes by staff members after transporting the material to the scene of building site, such as 5.6 Fig., plan according to test, put at test pieces of ground specifically different material, then staff members fix one of material's end of ground worker ( Ask several staff members to stand directly) ,Other personnel one word row turn on ( Such as Fig. 5.7) ,At the same time to is it pave to extrapolate material, worker of ground. In the course of pushing away and paving, should pay attention to the direction, prevent the deviation from being crooked, can revise the direction at any time, retract the ground engineering material in the correct position.
In testing a section of B course of laying, because meet the concrete one, so while laying the ground engineering material, will encounter the concrete one to excise partly in accordance with the state now, enable ground engineering material to totally pave and test a section of ground, as Fig. 5.8 shows.
Plan this test sections of A and test sections of B person who use person who compound worker material, test sections of C for graticule mesh of Engineer cooperate and does not weave cotton cloth softly, wait person who tie worker material is it pave after finishing to push away exactly, is it is it is it even up to have to look over to need, is it is it have situation rolled over to wrinkle to avoid to try one's best (such as Fig. 5.9) . Test sections of A design for lay two material, worker of ground, of compounding etc., except lie grade mix layer and ground floor among the soil among them, lay on line cutting layer mix layer with grade, lay method with aforesaid the same still.
5.6 Fig. transport material 5.7 picture, worker of ground, test sections of A lay material, Engineer of place,
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5.8 Fig. excise worker is it is it weave cotton cloth to lay to formate material 5.9 picture unnecessarily (test pieces of C)
In what has been tested C is laid, because the engineering material of this section of ground is used for the soft graticule mesh, its size is not 4 metres wide (test a section of width) ,So need two wide materials of 2 metre to join each other, Fig. 5.10, in order to test one section of situations of laying of C soft graticule mesh, in this plan, has used three sections of soft graticule meshes 2 metres wide altogether, one of them section is as joining using materials, is it spread on below at the soft graticule mesh, depending on designing requirementing, overlap some more than 50 centimeters at least each other to cover directly.
The soft graticule mesh of Fig. 5.10 is laid (left) And join ( Right)
Construction precautions on 5.2.2
Worker formate material after finishing, go on grade mix layers of backfill, soil of material in lay. Grade mix layers of backfill for utilize grit car is it put on pieces of D of testing to pile grades of batching ( Namely contrast is tested section) ,Adopt bull-dozer grades of batching to test A direction push away and pave, in this course, need to pay attention to some following items on constructing:
1, the bull-dozer is avoided to keep in touch with the ground engineering material directly: This prevents the bull-dozer from rolling and pressing, walking the ground engineering material directly promptly, need after covering by grades of batching, machine mix layer is it construct to walk in grade, as Fig. 5.11 shows.
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Fig. 5.11 backfill grade mixing
Whether 2, person who prevent from worker material is it is it roll over, separate to wrinkle to happen. Push away at spreading grades of batching in bull-dozer, material, Engineer of spot, is very easy to wrinkle and roll over, even to two situation that side separate, especially at soft graticule mesh at going on grades of batching backfill, as Fig. 5.12 shows. Is it roll over situation bulldoze to advance direction influence machine mainly to wrinkle, so, if this kind of situation takes place, can adopt two ways, use mutually in accordance with the on-the-spot situation, it is A model and U model respectively. A model ( Fig. 5.13) Namely refer to the direction of bulldozing and begin by the middle, push two more to sides, and U model (Fig. 5.14) Begun by two sides, bulldoze to the middle again, two kinds of methods can depend on on-the-spot situation, usually need to be instructed the bull-dozer to operate hands and go on by the overseer present personnel. Adopt U model operation mode to soft graticule mesh generally, for example plan this test pieces of C, and getting hard graticule mesh can adopt A model, if copies of plan test sections of A and B. With pushing and paving the main purpose of the way in order to draw and exactly level the land the engineering material effectively, in order to give play to the characteristic of the ground engineering material.
Fig. 5.12 surface wrinkling and rolling over, separating
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The Fig. 5.13 A model paves the law picture 5.14 U model of building and paves the law of building
5.3 Shen fall into and count setting up
This plan is planned in accordance with the test, test section bury underground Shen is it count to fall into, test section bury five underground, Shen is it count base as 40x40 square one centimeter of squares to fall into each time each, central steel pole 60, is it is it set position as line cut layer mix layer with grade to bury to plan, in finish line cut layer after burying underground, central steel pole stress about 10 centimeters of ground, with favourable follow-up person who monitors plan examine section Shen fall into the spending of quantity. 5.15 Fig. is it count in constructing and complete situation after to fall into to 5.17 Fig. for Shen.
Fig. 5.15 Shen is it count nearly view picture 5.16 Shen fall into and count the device to fall into
5.17 of Fig. cut layer complete Shen after fall into and count
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Sixth, monitor the result and analyse
Plan this is it carry on Shen is it is it examine to measure to fall into to plan in accordance with test and water pressure measure and examine, since finishing test a section of laying and railway installation at the end of October 91 years, start and monitor, monitor frequency go on one person who fall into Shen examine as every week, and water pressure is it is it adopt random way amount examine to examine to measure.
6.1 falling into amount Shen monitor the result
Test sections of cross section falling into amount Shen 6.1.1
6.1 Fig. for test sections of section falling into amount Shen examine the result to 6.4 Fig., curve trend is it watch to come in picture, test sections of section for situation of falling into Shen. -40-35-30-25-20-15-10-50-2-101 2 mmSec A-1Sec A-2Sec A-3Sec A-4Sec A-5Sec A-6Sec A-7Sec of falling into etc. Dr.eye: Shen, m of horizontal level, A-8
6.1 Fig. test sections of A falling into amount Shen
By 6.1 Fig., test sections of quite unanimous person who fall into Shen of A, among every week result that monitor, position and track central position person who fall into Shen relatively heavy with track, reason pass and cause for the torpedo car above being. Fall into with position 2 Shen most heavy among them, average heavy Shen is it invite 18 mm to fall into most.
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-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-50-2-1.5, - 1-0.500.511.52 mmSec B-1Sec B-2Sec B-3Sec B-4Sec B-5Sec of falling into etc. Dr.eye: Shen, m of horizontal level, B-6Sec B-7Sec B-8
6.2 Fig. test sections of B falling into amount Shen
6.2 Fig. for test sections of B falling into amount Shen observe the result, can be found out from the picture, test sections of person who fall into Shen of B Shen fall into relatively heavily with one low 4, 5 such as position such as track such as side, should relate to track process, its biggest average Shen's falling into amount is about 20mm. -40-35-30-25-20-15-10-50-2-1.5, - 1-0.500.511.52 mmSec C-1Sec C-2Sec C-3Sec C-4Sec C-5Sec of falling into etc. Shen, m of horizontal level, C-6Sec C-7Sec C-8
6.3 Fig. test sections of C falling into amount Shen
6.3 Fig for test sections of monitoring result of C, result show 1 - 4 position, 5 Shen fall into relatively heavily, with above relevant to track,not average most falling into amount Shen not heavy 25mm about. And curve trend judge, have to melt Line two situation that fall into Shen among testing sections of C (1, 4 position) in picture another ,I'm afraid that there is secret worry that the track slopes, need noting closely.
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-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-50-2-101 2 mmSec D-1Sec D-2Sec D-3Sec D-4Sec D-5Sec D-6Sec D-7Sec of falling into etc. Shen, m of horizontal level, D-8
6.4 Fig. test sections of D falling into amount Shen
Hit 6.4 of Fig.s section for testing there aren't falling into amount Shen, contrast of section,lay this section last material worker. Fruit curve trend find out, contrast section 5 person who fall into Shen most many and too most heavy in position, as to other position quantity person who examine, contrast track inconsistent person who fall into Shen of section, have to situation that one side slope, need paying special attention to.
Test sections of vertical section falling into amount Shen 6.1.2
Fig. 6.5 examines the result in order to each test a section of the same position amount to Fig. 6.9, can by the same relation of falling into etc. Shen of position, is it test sections of Shen of vertical section fall into the change to understand.
6.5 Fig. examine the result for position 1 falling into amount Shen, can be found out from the picture, test sections of person who fall into Shen of C for being most heavy, is it test sections of C is it melt part, Line two of side to lean against to show, there is great Shen's falling into amount, compare with Fig. 6.3, can find the same situation, is it test sections of C have to melt trend that Line two slope really to show. -40-35-30-25-20-15-10-50-10010 2030405060708090100 mmSec 1-2Sec 1-3Sec 1-4Sec 1-5Sec of falling into etc. Dr.eye: Shen, m of horizontal level, 1-6Sec 1-7Sec 1-8
Sec A
Sec B
Sec C
Sec D
6.5 Fig. position 1 falling into amount Shen monitor the result
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Click 2 in Fig. 6.6, namely the quantity of the position of track centre examines the result, result show vertical section, track of centre line falling into amount Shen quite unanimous in picture, have special situation of deviation take place, have situation of falling into Shen. -40-35-30-25-20-15-10-50-10010 2030405060708090100 mmSec 2-2Sec 2-3Sec 2-4Sec 2-5Sec of falling into etc. Shen, m of horizontal level, 2-6Sec 2-7Sec 2-8
Sec A
Sec B
Sec C
Sec D
6.6 Fig. position 2 falling into amount Shen monitor the result
6.7 Fig. observe result for position 4 person who fall into Shen, 4 position a low monitoring point of one side of track. Picture curve show position in it tests to be quite unanimous in the section each 4 person who fall into Shen, there is no special deviation situation to appear, the biggest average Shen's falling into amount is about 20mm. -40-35-30-25-20-15-10-50-10010 2030405060708090100 mmSec 4-2Sec 4-3Sec 4-4Sec 4-5Sec of falling into etc. Shen, m of horizontal level, 4-6Sec 4-7Sec 4-8
Sec D
Sec A
Sec B
Sec C
6.7 Fig. position 4 falling into amount Shen monitor the result
6.8 Fig. observe result by 5 person who fall into Shen for position, 5 position a low monitoring point of one side of track. Picture curve show position in order to contrast section 5 falling into amount Shen (Sec. D)Shen falling into amount the getting heavier most,and with testing the falling into amount Shens is the minimum for sections of A, demonstrate last result that material put more energy into worker, accord with original planning to predict.
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-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-50-10010 2030405060708090100 mmSec 5-2Sec 5-3Sec 5-4Sec 5-5Sec of falling into etc. Dr.eye: Shen, m of horizontal level, 5-6Sec 5-7Sec 5-8
Sec A
Sec B
Sec C
Sec D
6.8 Fig. position 5 falling into amount Shen monitor the result
6.9 Fig. 3 position, test section lean position, escape canal of side against, show 3 position test sections of A and B two most heavy person who fall into Shen, test sections of C minimum falling into amount Shen in picture, is it test section side the earth's surface have undulating situation in escape canal, in order to test pieces of C as the culmination to show, sloping to other tests section, its biggest average Shen's falling into amount is about 15 mm. -40-35-30-25-20-15-10-50-10010 2030405060708090100 mmSec 3-2Sec 3-3Sec 3-4Sec 3-5Sec of falling into etc. Dr.eye: Shen, m of horizontal level, 3-6Sec 3-7Sec 3-8
Sec A
Sec B
Sec C
Sec D
6.9 Fig. position 3 falling into amount Shen monitor the result
6.2 water pressure monitors the result
In this experimental plan, plan to bury two pieces of water pressure underground to count, quantity examines the water pressure change. 6.10 Fig. for is it put 10 dark water pressure count the changing value to bury among them. The water pressure change shows, it is metre only high with the flood peak. Fig. 6.10 counts and counts and reads the device automatically for water pressure, read first materials one second while being every, put the water pressure change after one day. Can be obviously found out from the picture, water pressure has situation of beating, under often water pressure strength(invite the flood peak to be 6.10 metres high) ,If there are torpedo cars to pass the top, then water pressure is counted after the torpedo car passes, reading will suddenly increase, water pressure is about 6.5 metres on average, water pressure is about 50 centimeters high when than often, show the torpedo car will cause about 50 centimeters of flood peak pressures bad. Under the earth's surface
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10 place fine sand layer, water pressure that increase strength will to dissipate all around, but fine sand layer the clay layer, to the sand it is impermeable stratum on floor, if water pressure is unable to dissipate immediately, may cause water pressure strength to wash upwards, and drive clay invade to upper strata, and torpedo cover for fixed frequency car, under the influence of repeated load here, will cause and well up the mud phenomenon most probably. In order to test a section of construction this, the track welled up the reason most possibly of the mud. 5.966. Pressure10m
The water pressure of Fig. 6.10 measures and examines the result (10m)
6.3 monitors the analysis of the result
Worker formate material test piece (Sec. A, B, C) It use Shen falling into amount formate worker there aren't material (Sec. D)Small, person who show worker formate material put more energy into result give play to really.
Plan this mainly for improve track well up mud phenomenon, reduce the earth's surface falling into amount Shen, so test track amount of section examine some - 2 - 4 - 5 position each (is it express track and both sides separately to divide) Shen fall into amount,it asks by its to be the average,as track of representing at torpedo car falling into amount change Shen under load not repeated, such as Fig.: Only have 11 weeks to monitor the materials now, has not demonstrated the great change during that time yet, but may estimate and pass about half a year more in advance, its difference should be more obvious. -40-35-30-25-20-15-10-50012345 678 time - week mmSec ASec BSec CSec D of falling into etc. Shen
Each test a section of 2, 4, 5 average Shen's falling into amount in position in Fig. 6.11
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Worker formate material come time is it improve to do in is it in the comparison of section, use too to test each, test sections of behavior of C test sections of slightly good A relatively, anticipate being different with original planning. Test pieces of A use and put more energy into the material in two places, test sections of C use in one place, difference among them might cause tensile strength to the material, test sections of A is it put more energy into for person who compound material is a hard type graticule mesh, the tensile strength is 30 kN/m to adopt, test sections of C adopt for soft graticule mesh, tensile strength 150 kN/m, intensity its disparity 5 times. Another one factor considered to want state now, test sections of A and test sections of B worker formate material lay backfill in front of the magnitudes of batching in ground, the earth's surface last situation not ponding,show two ones that test section of it formates that material is getting under more water probably worker, its state test sections of C difference, but in prevent Shen from fall into behavior of quantity relatively now, not second to the test Section C.
It sum up come it compare, formate worker material at the earth's surface of preventing the effect that fall into Shens, unless have not giving play to really it put more energy into by function it, if can monitor by falling into amount Shen for a long time,should can disparity not conspicuous. And the ground worker formates on the choice of the material, consider the effect and price, can consider adopting the single layer of composite (hard type graticule mesh) ,Or use the ground engineering graticule mesh of the soft high strength.
Seventh, conclusion
Plan case this is it finish to carry out, formate according to ground worker material use the situation, and cooperate and monitor the result of planning, sum up some following conclusions:
1, ground worker formate material is it while dealing with the weak soil layer, can fill copy give play to their isolate and put more energy into the function to use, offer extra to bear the weight of strength soil layer below the track, prevent detailed material soil pollution grade from mix layer and dish cut layer.
2, test design of section, can reduce Shen of track fall into, is it well up mud phenomenon produce to prevent effectively.
3,it is different worker formate there aren't material,can because should state now, it choose disposition method that is different and worker material,achieve the goal of expecting to improve.
4, shown from the result of monitoring, in the ground worker formates the behavior of the material, the size of intensity and model of its material, have sizable influence on the achievement of improving. Material in this project, no matter soft or polymorphous material, consider that wells up the mud improved application material as the track.
5, because plan this study issue Cheng house restrict, monitor issue can not reflect effect that improve totally, propose follow-up should be monitored continuously, it is two years at least during this time, in order to make the effect judge that can be more accurate and more objective.
Xie Zhi
Research this steel Company is it study to trust in bearing, majestic jade tablet engineer, railway lesson Lu, Company of steel, thank tin firm section chief to support guidance in covering with especially, Guo ShengXiong advisor, is it reject technician is it plan valuable suggestion to offer, succeed prosperous gentleman, Miss enthusiastic to help to monitor LingLing Wu, Wang Shen of university, generation to hang on, this will thanks sincerely.
List of references
1. Ryan R. Berg, etc. (2000)," Geosynthetic Reinforcement of the Aggregate Base/Subbase Courses of Pavement Structures" , GMA White Paper II.
2. T. Allan Haliburton, (1980) " Use of Geotechnical Fabric in Railroad Operations" , AAR Technical Center, Chicago, Illinois.
3. Robert D. Holtz and William D. Kovacs (1981) ," An Introduction To Geotechnical Engineering" , Prentice Hall, New Jersey.