The neuronal cell diagram speaks health care
Nerve cell, the projection composition that the cell body stretches out by the cell body and since. Stimulate and transmit through the neuron in the form of electric signal, through touching suddenly, passes neuron to the next. The neuron of the huge quantity forms the complicated network in the human brain, deals with the high materials. Dull-witted (senile dementia of Alzheimertype) to suffer from A and spurt the old man of the Hamer type When, neurons in patient's brain will die in a large amount because of changing the sex. Everybody think behind the adult, neuron regenerate in the brain, researcher find the neural stem cell recently in the past, A perhaps can treat while spurting the old man of the Hamer type dull-wittedly in the future. (The international medical expert and wears out to the nerve cell with the neuron
Research comment find out about) The theory? .
Titanium water vivid; Son, moisture of Ho2, steep boiled water, clear up rare the intersection of hot water and diet, enter oral cavity, combine human body, assign secret mouthfuls of the intersection of liquid and large member bubble rooms, combining living titanium moisture sub group's coral network includes the angry moisture son, work, resolve into, split moisture only chain of son round key angry to turn frequency, follow and still cooperate with transporting, water, electricity, angry and moving energy of magnetic field via mouthfuls of liquid and human heat energy, enter the intersection of gullet and the intersection of stomach and child of organ, move, decompose, burst, split for very small form the intersection of moisture and son permeate the structural body organ function of cell, transport the protein ionophore in human body's complicated cell membrane to absorb. Because it is extremely important to the function of nervous system and muscle to produce the ionophore. So after the ionophore on the surface of nerve cell is received and come from the chemical signal near similar cells to open, will produce so-called the intersection of movement and electric potential, count second (per 1,000 seconds) such as Bo Start the switch of the other ionophores inside, and then transmit the electronic pulse along the surface of nerve cell. Worn out, died by the nerve cell, the germ is poisonous, it is unable to get rid of, split and recombinate cells again, press the broken neural stem cell to revive, produces old man's dementia. (Living the intersection of titanium and water cooperate with Nobel chemistry Prize for 2003 normally; Study on little passage aisle of cell membrane) Function that it is all right to get well slowly. In this understanding; Chemical medical treatment defy, assassinate and physical medical treatment whether little strength it shakes waves, living the intersection of titanium and water to be physical natural chemical reaction, something small and hard of moisture, in medical treatment.