Exceed the century intention The magnetism floats in the expressway
Lu YuRen (concept magnetism floats in the expressway) 2009/3/15
First, describe: Positive pole of traditional maglev train And the negative pole is being shouldered and promoting
(1) Magnetic effect of the electric current:
Helical leading and is set up an electric circuit on-linely, will produce the magnetic field of reaction in the middle of the helical wire, size and wire, reaction of magnetic field enclose and in direct radio electric current, reaction magnetic field can disappear meanwhile too at the broken circuit as electric current.
(2) Principle that the maglev train floats:
It can be sucked extremely that permanent magnet or the electro-magnet is different, and have strong strength of repelling extremely very much, maglev train can is it is it utilize the principle to stand up to float. It can be sucked extremely that permanent magnet or the electro-magnet is different, and have strong strength of repelling extremely very much, maglev train can is it is it utilize the principle to stand up to float.
(3) Principle that the maglev train advances:
Strength that the strength that the ordinary motor rotated will be changed of the linear motor into straight line movement originally. Utilize repelling the strength and appeal of magnetic force too, make the train floating on the track can be accelerated or moderated forward, because there is no frictional force among car body and track.
(1) Conclusion:
1. The magnetism floats the train utilizes magnetic force to make the train suspend on the rail. The magnetism floats the train is often known as MagLev, the simplification of namely Magnetically Levitated train. But utilize general magnet can not is it blow to float steady train. If you make two North pole of magnet relative, you will find unable to make a magnet's floating on another steadily.
2. How did the train float real magnetism float? At present, magnetism the train floats during the course of testing even. German scientist has design a system which is called Transrapid, has utilized ' the suspending law of electric magnetic force ' (EMS) A train floats. In the system, the bottom of the train is chartering a guide, the electro-magnet of the train bottom undercarriage is towards the guide, the magnetic force makes the train suspend about one centimetre on the guide, when being static, the train still keeps floating. Other guide, cause the magnet to make the train remain stable while exercising.
Second, describe:
The maglev train positive pole of innovative theory is promoting the magnetism to float and go indirectly (are abbreviate as: Maglev train of positive pole) .
(1) Magnetic effect of the electric current:
The leading and is set up an electric circuit on-linely of the ellipse, can produce reaction magnetic field in oval the middle of wire, size and wire, reaction of magnetic field enclose and count and the electric current become positive pole (the positive pole and magnet) Have it for A (set up an electric circuit and float and float for the magnetism for positive pole) . Make it for B (are set up an electric circuit regularly for positive pole. Make the average regular magnetism and float the middle the track) . For left C (set up an electric circuit both sides regular magnetism float the middle of track on the right of the left) ,Float at a high speed walking as magnetism shelf is it can roll to go.
(2) Principle that the maglev train floats:
It can be sucked extremely that permanent magnet or the electro-magnet is different, and but there is extremely strong strength of repelling very much, utilize maglev train by the principle can float not standing uping,(in A /under B /on the right of C left) Set up an electric circuit positive pole can is it is it utilize the principle to stand up to float for maglev train at the same time.
(3) Principle that the maglev train advances:
Utilize strength of repelling of magnetic force too (on the right of C left, under A, waits for the angle to adjust and move forward, utilize repelling the strength principle of magnetic force) ,Is it float train at track can accelerate or moderate forward to make(whether angle change speed) ,Because there is no frictional force among car body and track.
(2) Conclusion:
1. The maglev train utilizes magnetic force to make the car body suspend and has not gritted in the guide, go with the space between the track at a high speed, because it does not produce the high fever and moderate to go at a high speed. The leading and is set up an electric circuit on-linely of the ellipse, can produce reaction magnetic field in oval the middle of wire, size and wire, reaction of magnetic field enclose and count and the electric current become positive pole (the positive pole and magnet) Promote the magnetism to float and go indirectly (are abbreviate as: Maglev train of positive pole) .
2. How did the real maglev train float? The maglev train positive pole of innovative theory is being repelled in the principle system of strength, the bottom of the maglev train includes the guide of left right, the electro-magnet of the train bottom undercarriage is towards the guide, inviting 5mm of space that the magnetic force makes the train suspend among guide, when being static, train is it is it contact guide to have to keep still. Make the train floating on the track can be accelerated or moderated forward (utilize the angle to adjust the speed, the strength of repelling of the magnetic force is moving forward very much) ,Because there is no frictional force among car body and track.
Summarize the theory: Exceed the century intention The magnetism floats in the expressway
Concept of the expressway that the magnetism floats:
1. General home automobile rubber tyre of the atmospheric pressure, magnetism float automobile that expressway go is it may go for soft permanent magnet tire the land freely too on the general road surface to change.
2. On it is generally in advancing expressway can meet by some problem not light for example: Doze off. Question of waiting a moment etc. that the part is damaged midway.
3. So we is it create new magnetism float expressway have all in that place block of magnet principle angles adjust the speed at expressway to want, make to repel strength is it urge automobile travel speed can sleep by computer whole control so us on it very much to advance magnetic force.Some thing of having a rest etc. lead by computer we overpass we car is it is it can float automobile that go at the expressway in magnetism to create to want too.
4. Automobile is it install one computer with join with main tire for soft permanent magnet tire car magnetism float expressway manage master station computer we take in advance with line to change Set up in where put under where overpass is it is it float by magnetism expressway manage master station computer is it appoint dish which every overpass we is it down to take and is it stand to have a rest to send to stand to have a rest first.
5. A lot of people think how magnetism that float expressway special-purpose car magnetism float principle blown to float similar with maglev train of us on surface, or electro-magnet different to can suck extremely with permanent magnet, we magnetism float principle of expressway with have better strength of repelling extremely extremely, float for magnetism expressway exclusive lane principle angle adjust speed cooperate with circumference soft permanent magnet tire can surface go principle of expressway.
6. In the fuel that you will not consume you in the magnetism float in the expressway, a suitable one very helpful to environmental protection to can lighten pollution of carbon dioxide is it can is it is it is it produce the traffic accident to afraid of to have a rest at car to settle down also to have.
7. Perhaps the one left has just known after wanting the experiment