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Eco-friendly power source (vapour, firewood, weight) The oil creating
The previous review; Mankind's high civilization and development, exploit in limited resources of the earth and environmental protection is destroyed, mankind if chronic disease spread cautious and conscientious to strive, is it is it create civilization advanced fast quality of the life, must is it have energy power to play then for advanced country for people to fight for to play, for instance; Oil exploitation is it practise to mention, colliery is it burn to exploit, it is mankind high power of civilization that create source to can lack power nowadays.
Person who deny human living environment as become extinct hopeless, afraid energy shortage price raises up to intimidate Ao deeply, and is afraid hugely the energy exploits and creates the earth resource and is killed excessively, for instance; Teaching, teacher of religious, disciple and letter all to appeal the earth become extinct theory soon, flee from the earth and return to space theory, as follows lowpriced to step on the earth of paradise soon.
Main profit space retrieve big, medium-sized and small enterprises make the investment, lower bottom to be original profession cautious and conscientious to is it raise camp charge profits originally too to fight for fast.