Cement (familiar particle before taking) Brief introduction of production procedure
一、 First, cement plant issue on environmental protection (familiar to rub thinning before taking) at present The familiar fuel sparingly?
The raw material is prepared and included since raw materials are broken allocating to the raw material course meeting the requirements to the composition. The raw material prepares two kinds of methods of laws of the universe and wet law.While the legal system of the universe prepares, such raw materials of big hard qualities as lime stone,etc., is to pass once first brokenly in a piece of material of about 100mm to the size according to the traditional craft, or and then by second time broken to pieces of material to smaller than 25mm (whether development one broken to pieces of material craft to smaller than 25mm already in recent years) . Clay moisture raw materials should bake the universe send with lime stone, iron ore,etc. Dr.eye: into the mill pro rata and then, grind into the thin raw material powder, import and mix the storehouse, mix by compressing the air in the storehouse, adjust the composition to the qualified raw material powder. Prepare against main difference between the raw material course and the universe law in wet legal system, lie in the clay is eluriated into the mud with water first, it is about 35% of the raw material thick liquid to grind with lime stone and iron ore to including the moisture together. The major advantage of preparing against raw material of legal system of the universe is that a heat rate specific humidity law while burning the cement grog is low, the heat rate of each kilogram grog only needs 3.6- 4.6MJ, and the wet law needs 5.2- 6.3MJ. But the raw material composition that wet legal system prepares is relatively easy to be even. Some is advanced the law of the universe produces the cement plant, adopt raw materials take with raw material composition person who automatically control measure in advance in recent years, the ones that soed as to ensure powder composition of raw material are even.
A series of physics and chemical change take place in the course of heating in the kiln in the cement raw material, such as dissociate evaporation, clay of water is it go water of crystallization, calcium carbonate resolve into and oxidize the calcium to take off. The latter and oxidizing silicon, alumina and iron ore take place firm to react that turns into the chemical compound of the clay, there are four kinds of their existence forms mainly, namely three calcium of silicic acid (3CaOSiO, simplification CS) , two calcium of silicic acid (2CaOSiO, simplification CS) ,Three sour calcium of aluminium (3CaOAIO, simplification CA) With four sour calcium of iron aluminium (4CaOAlOFeO, simplification CAF) . There is oxidizing the calcium and periclase of a small amount of chemical combination (MgO) . There are sulphate, sour salt of titanium,etc. sometimes, but there is less quantity. Because still contain other oxides in the grog, every above-mentioned chemical compound does not exist with the pure state, often dissolve various kinds of other oxides firmly. So they according to mineral phase (namely brilliant looks) Coming to name, called Arlitt such as three calcium of silicic acid, it accounts for more than 50% in the grog; Two calcium of silicic acid calls Pele special, nearly contain 25%; Three sour calcium of aluminium are the sour salt of aluminium; Four calcium of iron aluminium claims just the profit is special. From reflect light microscope cement grog structure that observe can see six square crystal Arlitt, round grains of crystal are that Pele is special. Material department of crystal there is about 30% of the melting that is transformed with supplies into, call the middle looks, among them the bright part is that just the profit is special, also called the middle the white (namely amorphous non- brilliant looks) ,The dark-coloured one is the sour salt of aluminium, also called the middle the black. Cement grog chemical composition (% )There are a certain limit demands, oxidize the calcium 62-6, oxidize silicons 20-2, alumina 4-, iron oxide rust 3-.
The cement is made into and packaging Cement grog coming out from the kiln is put into the right amount gypsum (SO 3.5% while controlling the cement) after cooling ,Grind thinly in the mill, make the sour salt solution and mud of silicon. What the cement is ground is thin degree exerts a great influence on cement quality, improve thin degree, can improve the intensity of the cement, but the corresponding electricity dawdles increases. Detailed degree control square hole sift sieve surplus on greater than 10%, or as in about 3000cm/g as surface area in 0.08mm generally. Cement dust to grind course relatively heavy, so imports and exports, course of transporting pack place should install and charge the dust equipment in equipment, the room, whirlwind accept the dust device, one bag of dust accepting devices etc. Dr.eye: such as subsiding. Contain the electric dust remover in some advanced factories. Still utilize clay high in KO content or the potassium feldspar to replace clay raw materials in China, make the oxide volatilize and collect the dust high in KO content to the dust in the course of burning, can make potassium use. Cement powder daily container bag packaging, but has already used the ship in bulk, car in bulk instead to send in a large amount in recent years, have improve efficiency of shipping, has lowered costs.
Exploitation of the lime stone - Mining system
The lime stone is rich in calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ) It is main raw materials which make the cement, make one
The ton of cement nearly takes 1.2- 1. gray stones, and one deal in the good cement Get and supply it with the raw materials of 50-100 years amply at least, it is unlikely to have deficient suppositions.
While exploiting, the topsoil that must be covered on the ore body first is moved, then in order to blow up
Way, fry lime stone fragment, in order to excavate (if lime stone excavate surface can mechanical strength excavate or gets loose, needn't blow up ). Because excavate the cost too big in the hole, usually adopt and have an opencast mining of more. Afterwards, the garrulous stone after blowing up, loaded the shovel by the shovel to the transportation system, send the stone crusher for the broken stone workshop or the cement factory, in order to plan to carry on and mix the course compounded the next stage. Excavate also with to excavate similar lime stone as for clay and other packs of material.
Cement raw materials and compounding
The basic composition of the cement is by the calcium carbonate (CaCO3) , two oxidizes the silicon (SiO2)
Oxidize two aluminium (Al2O3) three times Oxidize two irons (Fe2O3) with three Association,accord with
Specific physics and chemistry standard specification modulate, so raw materials compound course must
: Control prudently.
一 The lime stone ore is usually mixed with such ore layer as the shale, earth, grit or iron,etc., Dr.eye: one
Since the stone pit is excavated to get up, transport and crush to the broken stone factory, continue transporting and rubing the system to the raw material again, accord with the specific composition composition, mix and waste making pro rata, form the raw material of the cement.
Forge and burn it with the urgent cold - Fasten the kiln system
It must be through fastenning the preheating and resolving of the kiln system that the raw material of the cement burns the ripe material, in order to increase
Add the resolving of CaCO3, develop out whirlwind tube that " suspends and preheats and resolves " and resolve
Stove, suspend state raw material can increase times of heat of the above spread area, is it take originally to make
Resolve the course of preheating of an hour in the kiln, shorten into 30-45 seconds greatly.
In addition the hot increase which spread efficiency has reduced the temperature of exporting the waste gas of the preheating machine, make temperature keep reducing the heat rate amount of the grog among 320-380 degrees Centigrade.
Forge it after burning, must be through the urgent cold system of grog. The grog one is urgent and cold besides helping to transport and follow-up processing is ground, can improve the quality of the cement too, because of slow cooling, all composition of the grog forms the crystal, will influence the compression strength of the cement and can be rubed. The cooling rapidly of grog can improve the resistance that the cement corrode to chemistry at the same time ( For instance such chemistry as sulphate sulphuric acid sodium and sulphuric acid magnesium,etc. Dr.eye: are corroded) .
Process grinding finally - The cement rubs the system
The grog will pass the last processing and grind and turn into the cement, because the cement is
Ground by the gypsum that the grog of 96 joined 4. Grind the powder into the proper size, could let the cement give play to the greatest pressure of resisting
: Degree. Is it make kind cement can pack transportation and sales to rub.
The powder is big or small in 3Oum (10-6m) in the cement Part,the intensity it is for cement one most it important developments. The particle part which is smaller than 3um is contributed to some extent only to congealing the intensity for the first time: Because its hydration function is quick, have reached highest resisting pressing and bending strength one day later. Exceeding the part of 60um, then hydration function is slow, and to the intensity of the cement, subsidize freshly.
二、 Two, the issue on environmental protection A. air pollution B. fuel of cement plant runs high
Taiwan weighs in hundred million companies; Offer the chemical reaction technology of physics?
(1) Tio2 endures the rice and only touches the coal auxiliary and solves and produces the cement to contain carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, lead thing, nitrogen oxide, sulphur oxide,etc. Dr.eye: to the waste gas.
(2) Melt familiarly and burn the equipment; Water, oil, coal, auxiliary mix automation and control and burn heat energy, province festival fuel 20~30% Solve the fuel and rise the emission of little carbons.
(3) Oil pressure automation control copy getting dense awl is it is it include wet angry to grind the universe type to pressurize to roll , (whether raw material mix Tio2 fasten kiln is it build particle is it boil to forge to mix) , (urgent cold 96% of the grog mixes 4% of the gypsum and grinds 30u, 10u finished product) .
三、 Third, the cement plant produces the cement; There are no air and flying dust carbon (afforest environmental protection) Make procedure;
(1) Exploitation of the lime stone - Mining system
(2) The lime stone sieving and wash Thick garrulous ore system
(3) Such ore batching systems as the rock, earth, grit or iron,etc.
(4) Oil pressure automation controls a dense type awl and rolls and pressurizes to include the the universe type angry particle to grind 100u` 50u system
(5) Raw material mix Tio2 fasten kiln is it build particle forge the system of boiling to mix
(6) Urgent cold 96% of the grog mixes 4% of the gypsum and grinds 20u urgent 10u finished product system
(7) Automatic wrapping bag 25kg system of the finished product
四、 Fourth, endure the rice cement plant;
Nanometer cement detailed degrees of 4u nanometer 1u may substitute the traditional industry a kind of high-accuracy cement, for instance;
1.Building coating surface material (trowel wraps the worker law) Waterproof, ventilative, the permanence is firm.
2.But low-temperature sintering of magnetism brick of high-pressure shaping.
3. High-pressure shaping does not need to frit.
4.Add water and mix and irritate mould shaping application.
5.Cement sewage pipe top layer whitewashing low temperature frit magnetism brick (acidproof able to bear salt, better smooth and good densitying) Substitute the traditional epoxy resin and high polymer plastics and protect the membrane.
6.The apt new era of construction with low costs result is developed, studied, promoted.
五、 It is technological that fifth, the cement is ground;
Proportion that 30um powder accounts for partly
In the ordinary cement: : 40~55%(350~370 KG/cm2)
In the high strength cement: 55~65%(380~42O KG/cm2)
In exceeding the intensity cement: More than 70. Too thin thin degree, in compliance with 5000cm2/g (Blaine) ,Development of the intensity, not only does not influence; On the contrary, and lower its intensity.
六、Sixth, the Japanese cinder grinds the future trend of degree;
In Japanese cement industry to grind main detailed degree invite 4,000-4,500cm2/g, but because high-quality demand and Japan increase severely cinder, such as high strength, ultralow gentle high-quality cement, particulate trend that cinder grinds stronger and stronger, and force and spend 6 thinly directly, the standard of 0OOcm2/g.
Weigh in hundred million industrial Limited Companies
Offer the physics chemical reaction to create;
Green construction raw materials cement factory have air dye, green construction surface endure rice cement substitute the high polymer material.
一、 First, Tio2 endures the rice and only touches the coal auxiliary; (Taiwan, American patent for invention)
(1) Solving and producing the cement will contain carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, lead thing, nitrogen oxide, sulphur oxide,etc. Dr.eye: to the waste gas.
(2) Forge and burn it with the urgent cold - Fastenning the kiln system, it must be through fastenning the preheating and resolving of the kiln system that the raw material of the cement burns the ripe material, in order to increase the resolving of CaCO3, if add Tio2 and endure the rice and only touch the coal auxiliary, exempts through fastenning the preheating and resolving of the kiln system, may increase the area of heat-conduction above multiple, shorten and forge and burn the time and output, reduce and forge burning degree greatly.
(3) Add Tio2 and endure the rice and only touch the coal auxiliary to solve, a series of physics and chemical change take place in the course of heating in the kiln in the cement raw material, such as dissociate evaporation, clay of water is it go water of crystallization, calcium carbonate resolve into and oxidize the calcium to take off. The latter and oxidizing silicon, alumina and iron ore take place firm to is it produce chemical compound harmful to the heavy metal to react of the clay.
二、 Second, oil pressure automation controls a dense type awl and rolls and pressurizes to include the wet the universe type angry grinding machine; (Taiwan, U.S.A., 13 European countries invent the bright patent)
(1) Various kinds of machinery produce the noise to solve the raw material and grog.
(2) Solve raw material and grog various kinds of machinery grind part damage and change the cost.
(3) Solve machinery grind grains of unable to is it utilize network is it is it grind to retrieve to filter to control foot-path.
(4) It produces the flying dust to solve the network and filter.
(5) The computer line is controlled, seal getting dense awl roll pressurize and week speed principle, control and grind the necessary foot-paths.
Weigh in hundred million industrial Limited Companies 2008/5/17