Huge business opportunity not including environmental protection

Huge business opportunity not including environmental protection
The worker grinds the treatment technology of sanitary sewage of this new generation that the institute researches and develops, besides benefit of environmental protection, there is a great mission of fostering the industry too.

As to local market of Taiwan, the popularity of the sewer is only 20% at present, if be up to 55% in 2020 according to the planning that Ministry of Internal Affairs built the administration, it was the nearly present triple, only the business opportunity of domestic market is quite surprising; In addition the country such as China, Vietnam, India, because environmental consciousness sprouts gradually, also need building the sewage disposal system of the city of next generation badly in the future. Especially the Chinese market, according to the estimating of European Union, only 2006 will be to 2010, the market of the sewage disposal system of the city is up to 330 billion yuan promptly. Zhou ShanShan emphasizes, are coaching the position of the industry at the station, in the following ten years, if Taiwanese manufacturer can get 5% of the taking rate of market in China, there can be business opportunity of more than 82,500 million yuan of new Taiwan dollar.

Because of 661 cities in China, 400 have a question of lack of water, so for Chinese Government, it is not enough to only accord with standards discharged, they need more one back to the water, their regulation is stricter too, hope to utilize again with the recovery of water, save more water resources, has formed huge market interests too.

In fact, the treatment technology of this sewage was originally directed against the industrial sewage at the beginning, because only the waste water amount of one day of science park of Hsinchu is up to 140,000 tons, and TFT-LCD factory is on the output waste water of nearly 20,000 tons, waste water treatment is turned into a photoelectric industry's quite troublesome problem. Some factory adopt evaporation that Japan research and develop thick to contract technology, cover one waste water treatment plant should it consume new Taiwan dollar yuan of funds to take, so what most manufacturers adopted is ' the biological process system of good oxygen ', but this system not only needs huge land area device to expose to the sun the angry response trough, shortcoming such as being great of the amount of mud consuming time had.

In order to lower costs, accord with decree demand at the same time, photoelectricity industry grind to worker institute is it help to seek, ' the first case which we receive is that the friend reaches the photoelectric dragon's department's factory, the focal point is that this is the factory for a brand-new generation, and found the factory by them, we must is it research and develop to go on at the same time, ' still vice Zhou ShanShan of group leader at that time, lead the colleague to immerse oneself quietly in hard work day and night, can't happen progress of founding the factory, the factory build up, unable to assess through the environment. ' the pressure is really very great! Though has already passed for four, five years, Shanshan Zhou recalls, can't help signing.

The last achievement is to the satisfaction of all fortunately, worker grind institute exclusive research and develop ' detest oxygen membrane biological process system ' ,Cheng, let waste water treatment not need enormous response trough when catching up with founding the factory, reduce the volume needed originally to 1/3 to 1/5, let friends reach and comment through the ring in time too. Later on this system still offers China to reflect, very beautiful, interconnected system treasure and photoelectric manufacturer's use of top grade of strength, except save the cost of investment of 150 million yuan of the new Taiwan dollar for the manufacturer, can save the operation cost of 60 million yuan even more every year.

The worker grinds the waste water treatment group of the institute, except help the domestic manufacturer, have already stridden into the international market even more, including treasure of Indonesia become industry, Kuching factory, Company and Safviet, trader of law, of Vietnam, Glowtec of Singapore, coca-cola of Malaysia, have adopted workers to grind the waste water treatment technology of the institute.

The good horse needs grazing too
Except relevant technological transfer achievements, worker grind institute can surround waste water treatment group obtain the Republic of China environmental outstanding thesis award that project learn even more on 2006, because this group designed ' detest oxygen to deal with the trough multi-functionally ', can have methane funguses and hold the phosphorus fungus at the same time, while meaning dealing with the sewage, can get rid of the phosphorus and produce the methane at the same time (marsh gas) ; These two functions are unable to coexist at the same time the past.

In order to progress greatly constantly technological intension, can surround group in Taibei inland lake sewage treatment plant, set up one can deal with 10 mould factory of sewage every day, except improvement of technology, is it operate into cost with set up to estimate basis clearly cost for the first time to hope at the same time, and the membrane operates the state and deal with the analysis that water retrieve feasibility.

The next step, worker grind institute can is it can hold technology prove to external world to surround, in order to get approval of the experts and scholars; And make up strategic alliance with the manufacturer and authorize working relevantly, help to set up the demonstration factory; Certainly hope to be based on domestic experience even more, help the manufacturer to expand the markets of China and Southeast Asian.

As for the technological part, another plan at next stage, is to hope in dealing with the procedure, ' ultrasonic wave hydrolysises the unit ' to add another. Zhang GuanFu explains, this technology is to utilize ultrasonic wave, breaks the cell wall of the microorganism, can step forward again mud decrement. ' in fact our technology can already reduce 70% of the mud amount, if join ultrasonic wave and hydrolysis technology in the future, the mud can become less. Though still during the course of testing at present, but can surround to go all out, hope to facilitate this technology to come out as soon as possible.

In addition, is it detest oxygen digest speed of reacting, raise marsh gas output, group diligent goal too to increase. But Zhou ShanShan shows, because there are a lot of units that Taiwan is in charge of ' water ', the running water belongs to the water conservancy administration, put the flowing water and belong to the environmental protection administration, and the competent authority of the sanitary sewage turns into and builds the administration again, abolish study of water treatment to be difficult to obtain department special funds continuously, rely on worker grind achievement of institute use funds support at present. The colleague hopes to get more expressions in one's eyes cared about too after burying a research, let them the environment of Taiwan, make better research results.