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球形珠磨機 SPHERE MILL 台灣、美國發明專利 SPHERE MILL/1.The particular shape of darrel cause
the grinding beads to move in a unigue multiradiant path, which yields better
griinding and dispersion effect.。2.Double screens filter the particles worn
during the grinding process.。3.The shaft seal can be adjusted according to the
viscosity of the material in process, which reduces shaft pressure and thus
increases the life of the shaft seal.。4極馬達3相60HZ
the grinding beads to move in a unigue multiradiant path, which yields better
griinding and dispersion effect.。2.Double screens filter the particles worn
during the grinding process.。3.The shaft seal can be adjusted according to the
viscosity of the material in process, which reduces shaft pressure and thus
increases the life of the shaft seal.。