The coal is turned into the oil
Have just read the economic report in the 21st century, it have one piece it is for " gross investment guard not estimating 15 billion dollars production scale " it is imagine to go beyond " " for title not big in subhead for ""matchmaker last oil report when " investment upsurge spring up ", have deep feelings after finishing seeing.
The oil price rises violently all the way these years, our country has already transfered from the oil exporting country to showing the importer according to the newest statistics too, Chinese petroleum import volume exceed 100 million already 2004, is it depend on degree up to 40% to be about to import, and this trend will also be enlarged further. And China is the many oil few countries of a piece of coal, normally success of this technology should be a good thing of benefitting the people, however, feel very heavy to finish reading the report.
Before 1997, our country was the crude oil exporter, have realized the crisis of energy supply when the oil crisis has not fully appeared, excessive export and exploitation make us feel the pressure of crude oil in short sharply since 1997, resources are from abundant to deficient but short more than ten years. The shortage of and the energy and increase that depend on degree to importing the energy certainly will cause passively, no matter from economically or from the national power, especially for developing country.
Now, the technology that the coal turns into the oil arises at the historic moment, and big and lucrative. Have media report our country build and plan construction " matchmaker turn oil into " project up to 16 million tonsed " at present once; Dispatch from foreign news agency report China is it invest about 15 billion U.S. dollar start " the matchmaker oil " the project to plan too. And this is still a very conservative estimation in the view of professional personage. The expert points out, the international oil price is higher than 28 dollars, will mean it is lucrative that " the coal will be turned into the oil ", but the far high international oil price that puts to " the coal will be turned into the oil " now, it will be undoubtedly the sudden huge profits; The media even points out in present cases, " the coal is turned into the oil " is a business opportunity of " hemutopoiesis ".
But,let people feel a heavy one,hasten manufacturer if, production for extensive industrialization, will the drop of the oil price cost cause the export upsurge of new round Will enterprises cause the new energy crisis to the pursuit of the largest profit Can be exploited how much coal does China have Does the government have long-term sight to carry on macro adjustments and controls to the exploitation of the energy The regional government takes the attitude of interfering because the exploitation of the energy can bring and develop to local economy, can the central government really go on and implement the corresponding control measure?
According to relevant medias, by the look of prospect of coal resources, by the end of 2002, it is 188,600 million tons that our country verifies the coal reserves that can utilize directly, however, the rate of recovery of average resource of the colliery of our country is only 30%, calculate according to the annual production of coal of 1,900 million tons, can only use for 30 years. And in fact, 1,900 million tons are only a static figure, it is a figure under the existing state, but under the existing state, the annual output of coal is all soaring with the increasing degree of two -figure number, in the following 20-30 years, a lot of mineral resources including coal will become rare resources, this returns not including extensive " coal is turned into the oil " project.
Though the mineral resources belong to country, the vertical management system of our country has not been set up at present, what the mineral resources are abode by is to manage the principle in the possession, though the State Council requires the units at various levels to supervise the law enforcement agency carrying out " ore resources law of the People's Republic of China " and relevant laws and regulations strictly, forbid mining right people to give some and all mining right to others to exploit in way of contracting, subcontracting, and leasing etc., but a lot of coal mining enterprises take these ways to manage even to this day. , to the impetus of local economy, the local government has not adopted the energetical essential interference either because of these coal mining enterprises. The resource state of justing think of area type shortly economic development and neglecting the whole country is the subject matter that nowadays faces.
Nowadays the coal enterprise has already formed the seller's market in addition now, having produced with the electric department contradictorily on the price of coal, and the maturity of technology that " the coal is turned into the oil ", make demand in coal rise further, if the country can improve the control ability to resources, certainly will cause the constant rising of transition exploiting and price of the coal. If coal resources form overall and market-based way, must cause the price of coal to rise violently continuously, the profit of the coal enterprise is exploded and expanded, and other entreprise cost rise, the factory goes bankrupt, worker's unemployment, jeopardize to national economic security and social stability finally. And to whole energy of the country, in future 30 years, we will turn from a country relying mainly on coal into the rare country of coal.
The energy is the lifeblood of the national economy, say in certain meaning, the coal is the lifeblood of our country, it is already substantial that what we ate on the energy is lost, just think that so exploits non-renewable resources extensively, who is a victim suffered most to get to the end Not planning nature and very constant eyes, only see short-term interests, macro adjustments and controls is not strong, it is the mistake that we have ever made that regional exploitation is serious, the consequence brought is obvious to all too. Country should strengthen control ability in resource, consciousness been cross serious consequence brought to exploit. Hope the coal turn into oil project can cause most people attention to environmental protection, to the attention of resource sustainable development, cause the government's attention, cause the attention of the production developer, coal non-renewable resources too, what is result that exploitation bring by a large margin can like this What we die in the whole country on the basis of obtaining short-term interests Imagine Chinese even coal should be imported after several years, some scenes how
It seems in this way that actually it was a good thing, but now, will not really know really good fortune or anxiety that " the coal is turned into the oil ".The international crude oil price climbs the new peak again, paces that people look for the petroleum substitute are being accelerated too. One transforms the coal into a plan of the petrol and diesel oil, is having two major coal groups of strength most in our country - --The supernatural group of China and Yanzhou Mining Group implement in full preparation: The project that supernatural China is built in Erdos had already gone into operation last August, would go into operation in 2007; Yan ore coal turn into oil pilot scale research project check through the expert on will it be will it be the end January this year already, applying to put into industrialized construction ( 19 Japan editions carried on the report in April) . Then, what if coal is turned into the prospect of the oil?
Why does not the developed country do the coal to turn into the oil?
It is reported, a set of coal which produces 8 million tons of oil per year is turned into the oil factory in South Africa at present, it is that the only extensive coal is turned into the commercial factory of oil, has offered 60% of the transportation oil for this country in the world. All there is ripe technology too in such developed countries as in fact beautiful, Germany, Japan,etc., Dr.eye: but why have not they put into production for industrialization?
According to the introduction, as far back as the end of the thirties of last century, because the petroleum was in short supply, Germany begins to study the coal and make oil technology. Before World War II, Germany has already built up 17 factories, has produced more than 4,200,000 tons of petrol and diesel oil. The forties arrives by the beginning the end, the fifties,with in exploitation, Dong Da of oil field,flood market of petroleum of cost not low in a large amount, every barrel costs 2- 1 dollars. In this case, it is economically very unremunerative to do the coal and turn into the oil again. Until 1973, implemented the petroleum embargo in the Middle East, the oil price was fried high, reach more than 30 dollars for every barrel ( Equivalent to more than 80 dollars of price now) ,At this moment, extensive coal make oil is it raise climax also to research and develop, the United States and Japan, Dedu invest a huge sum of money to study one after another, have built the experimental factory. But, in these countries, the coal is turned into the oil and has not really put into commercial operation all the time. Why?
Calculate according to the expert, in the crude oil price above 28 dollars, it is economically more worthwhile that the coal is turned into the oil; Lower than the price, coal make oil to be right away worthwhile. So, from middle period of the eighties of last century to middle period of the 1990s, the international oil price was in the low location, the coal will not be paid attention to naturally if the coal changes oil. However, the technology of various countries has been already quite ripe, we can say to rest on the horse can wait, so long as the market needs, can carry on extensive industrialization. Until the most recent two years, international oil price soar constantly, coal make oil again the agendas of rising space of various countries. U.S.A. got up last year to begin to liquefy indirectly again, France, Italy began to enter into cooperation and research and develop too. But from starting in project to putting into operation, unless at least on the makeup-time such as 5 year when it take, and oil price change not frequent,when the low when being the high, people often react and lag behind, make decision unable to make up mind.
Last coal not turning China into because it have advantage of oil, but does not can have become to
The expert thinks, have apparent advantages to turn to do the coal into the oil in our country. Little oil of rich coal of our country, in recent years with the development of economy, the imported crude oil soars year by year, among 10 years of 1993- 200, increase progressively by more than 15% every year, import and depend on degree higher and higher. Among 10 years, our country imports the crude oil to increase by 9.18 times, costs a large amount of foreign currency every year. Because the oil price goes up, will import the crude oil and pay 55 billion yuan more compared with that of last year in 2004.
At the same time, China is a big coal country, produce the coal cost in the west (especially the coal near coal-mine) It is relatively low. Whether supernatural vice president, supernatural China coal, group of China, make oil Zhang YuZhuo, President of Company, regard as one account for a reporter. Dr.eye: Tons of coal exploit cost U.S.A. 20.5, supernatural east mining area, god of China, less than 100 yuan, obviously, supernatural China has advantageous coal.
In addition, the Chinese cost of investment and labor cost are relatively low. It is estimated, the production line which produce 2,500,000 tons of firewood petrol per year, need to invest 3,200 million dollars in U.S.A., only need 2 billion dollars in China.
According to calculating, supernatural China coal make oil project at international crude oil price 22- 3 / barrel, have better competitiveness. And the international crude oil price is in 50 dollars / above barrel for a long time at present.
Coal, Yan of ore exploit cost can high a little, it do coal oil to be worthwhile? According to the introduction of vice president of Yanzhou Mining Group, coal general manager of chemical company Zhang MingLin, it is about 100 yuan / ton, competitive when the international oil price is not lower than 23 dollars / the barrel that the coal near coal-mine of Yan ore exploits the cost.
Have already invested hundreds of millions of yuan totally on making oil in the coal in supernatural China at present. Zhang YuZhuo reveals, supernatural China also plans to cooperate with South Africa, produces the coal and makes oil by way of liquefying indirectly, in the finished product, will rely mainly on diesel oil while making petrol subsidiary. Invests tens of billion yuan on making oil in the coal in supernatural China in the following 56 years, 10 years later, the coal and oil will run neck and neck in supernatural China. Can find out, ambitious on making oil project in the coal in supernatural China.
Yan ore has already been invested totally 130 million yuan, its industrialized project has not been started yet. Yan ore is aiming at the petrol market, plan to put yuan into more this year, pilot scale of carrying on the high temperature and formating the technology is being studied, make the petrol in the finished product account for 70%, the diesel oil accounts for 25%. At present, the coal is turned into oil industrialization paces and accelerated. But, the expert thinks, it is not that all coals are suitable for transforming into the firewood petrol, especially liquefy and have very high expectations for coal directly, the coal that our country have only minority district is suitable, it should be a bit more extensive to liquefy the adaptability to the coal indirectly. So, make coal at I in oil get Congress development not certain is but the impossible to become by side not main where oil produce to.
Technology that " the coal is turned into the oil ", add the coal the hydrogen under the high temperature, pressurize, add the catalyst, produce the thick oil, process and then is it is it obtain petrol and diesel oil to take to smelt, is it solve world energy coal many oil little structural shortcomings to so as, this technology has already become the focus that a lot of countries have developed at present.
Through taking off carbons and adding the hydrogen, the coal can transform the liquid fuel that is suitable for transporting directly or indirectly, a kind of method is that coking or heat are solved, another kind of method is the liquefaction. With high costs because of transforming the coal into the crude oil than to refine of cost of the liquid fuel, but the price of the raw coal itself is lower, this is that one that coal liquefaction technology can be put into effect encourages the factor mainly.
With the gradual reduction of the petroleum reserves, can predict that will need substitutability liquid fuel in future a regular period. Because the global coal reserves are extremely abundant, coal liquefaction is one of them.
As far back as the beginning of the seventies, because the international oil price booms, such countries as U.S.A., Britain and Japan,etc. research and develop on starting a large number of coal liquefaction technology. Since the eighties, the liquefaction project of most coals is laid aside, but South Africa's exception. The reason is that there are no petroleum and natural gas resource in South Africa, only have abundant coal resources, in addition, up to middle period of the eighties, South Africa has received the commercial embargo of 30 years, these factors impel South Africa to adopt the coal liquefaction products on a large scale. At present, 60% of the transportation fuel in South Africa is offered by the coal.
The " direct liquefaction craft " more different has already been developed out, but as regards chemical reaction carried on, they are closely related. The common characteristic of the liquefaction craft is, put a large number of coal powder into the solvent first, is it dissolve to go on under high-temperature terms of high pressure, is it add the hydrogen course to go on under hydrogen and function of catalyst coal that dissolve.
It is the most effective liquefaction method that can be adopted at present to liquefy directly. Under the suitable condition, the accepting rate of liquefaction oil exceeds 70% (too dry to have mineral substance coal) . Allow heat loss and other coal what that energy input, total thermal efficiency of the modern liquefaction craft (namely transforms into the proportion of calorific value of the introduction raw materials of the final products, %) It is generally 60- 70.
(process development unit)These crafts generally develop into the craft and develop the unit ( process development unit) Or the testing stage, and the main technological problem has already been solved. However, there are no a demonstration factory or commercialized factories to build up and operate at present.
Coal " indirect " liquefaction turn round craft Sasol craft of South Africa while being only, have already built up three factories at present. Indirect and liquefied only key technology is formating and reflecting section, so on concentrating on developing the advanced catalyst in recent groundwork, the catalyst is not limited to a certain concrete craft.
Since 1985, because the price of the petroleum is relatively low, people drop to the interest that is used for producing coal liquefaction of transporting the fuel. At present, only Japan is still carrying on the studying of extensive coal liquefaction craft actively, and a device of 150t/d scale is operating. Because China becomes a net petroleum importer gradually at present, and potential producing the geographical position of oil district is remote, so there is strong hope of development coal liquefaction in China. China is carrying on the feasibility research of coal liquefaction by cooperating with U.S.A., Japan and Germany separately.
The feasibility of coal liquefaction is decided by the economy of the liquefaction craft mainly. This needs a large number of coals with low grade, of low price, and petroleum and natural gas lack or the cost is relatively high. That is to say, rise, petroleum of price cause people again to coal great interest, liquefaction of technology future, and may cause extensive commercialized coal liquefaction production.
The coal is liquefied directly to transform the coal into the liquid products directly. Its craft has Exxon to support the hydrogen solvent law mainly (EDS) , hydrogen - coal law,etc.. EDS EDS law coal in to support hydrogen among the solvent with mix by hydrogen, the solvent passes the catalysis device at first circulation thick liquid, pick up hydrogen atoms, then through the liquefaction reactor, release hydrogen atoms, make the coal resolve; Hydrogen - coal law to is it seethe with excitement bed reactor to adopt, add hydrogen transform the coal into the liquid fuel directly. That will it be the eighties the 20th century develop coal - oil smelt craft altogether, raise economy, coal of liquefaction. It is that coal and residual oil are mixed into the oil coal thick liquid that coal - the oil is smelted altogether, refine into the liquid fuel again. Because contain the coal to transform the majority or all hydrogen that the course needs in the residual oil, thus can lower costs by a large margin." the coal is turned into the oil " Sketch map of the principle " the coal is turned into the oil " Step up " catalysis " to turn into
The international crude oil price climbs the new peak again, paces that people look for the petroleum substitute are being accelerated too. One transforms the coal into a plan of the petrol and diesel oil, is having two major coal groups of strength most in our country - -The supernatural group of China and Yanzhou Mining Group implement in full preparation: The project that supernatural China is built in Erdos had already gone into operation last August, would go into operation in 2007; Yan ore coal turn into oil pilot scale research project check through the expert on will it be will it be the end January this year already, apply to put into industrialized construction. Then, what if coal is turned into the prospect of the oil?
It is reported, a set of coal which produces 8 million tons of oil per year is turned into the oil factory in South Africa at present ......
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On-line investigation
" the coal is turned into the oil " Little file of technology
Technology that " the coal is turned into the oil ", add the coal the hydrogen under the high temperature, pressurize, add the catalyst, produce the thick oil, process and then is it is it obtain petrol and diesel oil to take to smelt, is it solve world energy coal many oil little structural shortcomings to so as, this technology has already become the focus that a lot of countries have developed at present.
The coal Oily and general?
"The coal Does the oil " principle hint?
The coal is liquefied directly
Mix the coal liquefaction skill Lie between?
The coal? Dr.eye: Connect liquefaction
The coal liquefaction oil dipper Process and lie between?
" the coal is turned into the oil " Introduction to the craft
Russia Is the coal added thenThe liquefaction worker?
Germany The new worker of coal liquefaction?
Japan NEDOL worker?
Beautiful HTI worker?
The special topic is made
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Edit: Song MinXin
Editor: Yan Jing Fan Ye
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