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The liquid coal is not the new science and technology
: This is a technology that can trace back to 1920 times, but until the high energy price of today makes it become feasible choice of automobile fuel and investment me again. It is the liquid coal technology.
Use coal as automobile fuel is it is it can cause ecocatastrophe to seem to sound, but this kind of dirty and black mineral substance is after liquefaction, ones that will become the whole world and transport fuel over the next 20 years will be large, in fact change the straw into the gold! According to Newsweek report, liquid coal can it lets to be originally taking petrol as fuel automobile, train, even the jet airplanes all use the coal instead for the fuel. The liquid state matchmaker's supporter expresses, it not only can reach above-mentioned tasks, and environmental protection, having economic benefits even more, and can have everywhere.
The liquid coal is not the new science and technology, in fact, German scientist Fisher as far back as 1923 ( Franz Fischer) With asking Lip river to wish ( Hans Tropsch) Have already developed out this technology, and is used for producing the auxiliary fuel by Germany and Japan in World War II, to lighten and lack the pressure that crude oil supplies. Germany used this technology to produce 6,500,000 tons or 124,000 barrels of liquid coal every day at that time, but liquefy the coal technology (the so-called CTI) It has been the costliness difficult to bear all the time. In the past 20 years, every barrel of the crude oil price is 25 U.S. dollars on average, seem uneconomical too a bit to make the price per barrel up to the liquid coal at 45 dollars. But by 2003, the oil price raises up repeatedly, the hurricane rises to more than 60 dollars for every barrel, in addition, environmental protection is the topic paid attention to the most now, liquid coal make for is it guarantee energy's security, suppress the oil price, and slow down the warm best choice that take global to want again.
The liquid coal has increased the scale of hundreds of millions of dollars by a wide margin in the global trading volume in recent years, it is obvious a lot of people agree liquid coal become the energy new favourite. The output of the global liquid coal, by 2020, estimate and increase from 150,000 barrels of every day at present to 600,000 barrels in advance, and by 2030, even may rise to 1,800,000 barrels of every day. In China, allocate about 25 billion U.S. dollar invest in liquid underground of coal transport the pipeline already at present, and is known as the South African Company SASOL of the global liquid coal with authoritative technology, build CTI factory in two places of Ningxia of China and Shaanxi separately either, the fabrication cost of a factory is about 6 billion dollars. The state-run group of China of spirit of China plans to let first CTI factory of China begin to produce formally in 2007, cut and up till now estimated and already invested 7,500 million dollars in advance.
In U.S.A., production considering being put into the liquid coal actively that nine states begin at least, plan of the assurance and favourable tax rate that the state Congressmen of Illinois State and Kentucky State are conceiving and extending credit to CTI factory. In October of this year, it is angry that Montana State governor's cloth How on earth as for the feasibility of the liquid coal, South Africa is the real witness. Because South Africa limits the import of the foreign crude oil, this country could have highly progressive CTI facilities. Parastatal SASOL Company, has offered 30% of the transportation energy demands to South Africa. In fact, in the world several energy demand most heavy country exactly colliery resource most abundant country too. To them, it is the best model of study that South Africa is as good as. The executive chairman of SASOL sends specially Because there is the most abundant colliery resource in the whole world, U.S.A. have enough coal offer national fuel demand it reaches to be long in one century at least, after it is here that Russia, China and India also cling to on one's trail. The adherent of the liquid coal thinks, comparing its making and energy efficiency, the biochemical fuel that the coal is favored by energy investors the most before being be won and looked over so as to check is like the ethanol. For example, American ethanol producers consume 14% of the grain of the whole country every year, but can not only produce 2% of the fuel of national demand.
: The assurance that the liquid coal conforms with environmental protection can be stood querying too, though outdated CTI factory (for instance, the extant factory of South Africa) Really cause pollution all the year round, but the new-type factory is nearly all to the environmentally friendly model now, it picks fetching and separates the technology of the carbon in underground, can stay and put and cover the waste gas of carbon dioxide, not injured in order to protect the atmosphere. There is this kind of technology, use taking liquid coal as fuel automobile, than use petrol train to reduce about 30% of the pollution.