Flat the thin paper ' There is no crystalline solid) Freshness of the light catalyst
First, flat and thin and chartaceous ' There is no crystalline solid) Dosage 1 of light catalyst. Have not added 2. Per 1,000 or five 3. 10¡ë
Two, add, put the frozen storehouse to keep for 4 days
Three, illuminate for 3 hours under the sun
Radix Semiaquilegiae meat before the experiment
The Radix Semiaquilegiae meat bought on the traditional market, come and is regarded as
Sample of this experiment.
Have not added
A very obvious one meat become dark already and strip have some odor in the sun, not yet
Suitable for cooking. Because it receive the sun be downed to be illuminated and
Temperature rise, meat from negative to turn for the positive virus.
Flat and thin and chartaceous under the sun illuminate ' Water molecule) It is pink that the protection of the light catalyst makes meat. And the bone in chicken's bone is up to, has appeared pink. Very anti-oxidant, uviofast, in order to keep the intersection of meat and original fresh degree, meat of making will from negative to transfer to positive virus. And when the preventing customer unfreezes the meat, put for a long time and addle.
With 5¡ë, but than 5¡ë even more
Water is tender. It is higher to resist the oxygen more than 5¡ë,
If will chill for a long time, will propose using per 1,000
Time limit that ten lengthens to keep fresh.
After the microwave oven is heated
Have not added
A very obvious one meat become dark already and strip have some odor in the sun, not yet
Suitable for cooking. It because if you can't receive by the sun, illuminate down and
Temperature rise, meat from negative to turn for the positive virus. So has not made the experiment that microwave oven has heated, has already abandoned.
Flat and thin and chartaceous under the sun illuminate ' Water molecule) It is pink that the protection of the light catalyst makes meat. And the bone in chicken's bone is up to, has appeared pink. Very anti-oxidant, uviofast, in order to keep the intersection of meat and original fresh degree, meat of making will from negative to transfer to positive virus. Microwave oven
The mouthfeel leans towards Q softly after heating, the gravy is delicious.
With 5¡ë, but than 5¡ë
There is Q degree. Even more than resisting the oxygen of 5¡ë
It is high, if will chill for a long time, will propose using a thousand
Ten lengthen time limit of keeping fresh. Because use 10¡ë, make chicken of the left image more fragrant and more fragile with the microwave heating of five minutes, shorten the microwave time meat mouthfeeling leans towards Q softly, the gravy is delicious.
Several the above-mentioned pictures have proved, flat and thin and chartaceous (not have crystalline solid) The light catalyst can make the meat difficult to oxidize. And flat and thin and chartaceous ' There is no crystalline solid) Endure the rice light catalyst, it is the natural antiseptic, unharmful to human body. After using, can exclude the toxin in our human body.
Flat and thin and chartaceous ' There is no crystalline solid) Freshness of the light catalyst
First, from pork that traditional market buys ' Because put under the room temperature and air)
Two, soak until 5¡ë flat and thin and chartaceous ' There is no crystalline solid) Freshness of the light catalyst
Three, putting the frozen storehouse to chill for three days
Four, get and illuminate for two hours under the sun three days later
The picture above is the pork that the traditional market bought back.
Soak on approach chartaceously while being flat ' There is no crystalline solid) The pork of the light catalyst, after chilling for three days, after and then illuminated directly by the sunshine of two hours, meat has already darkened, and there is slight rotten odor.
Soak until 5¡ë flat and thin and chartaceous already ' There is no crystalline solid) After the light catalyst, after chilling for three days too, and then take out from frozen Curry, put and illuminate under the sunlight for two hours directly, the color and luster of the meat has not appeared black, even more beautiful than the pork color and luster that was just bought back.
The reason to addle, let the microbe of ' corrupt fungus ' be carried on, take protein as examples and say, what is called ' the corruption ', just resolve protein into each original element; But should produce ' corruption grow products ' while decomposed, and this kind of corruption grows products, ' poisonous ' or ' toxin ' that we are commonly called as, the kind differs, are all harmful to the human body, but produce a little toxin utmost point after plant protein corruption, but the toxicity that the meat corruption produces is much stronger. We have eaten the meat slightly addling, there are violent abdominal pain and diarrhoea. If certainly know it is the thing addling, it is no one's willing food. Want, know animal already gradual spoilage, appearance it seems sometimes as if fresh meat, fish,etc. since that time dying, and reality may have been already infringed by the corrupt fungus.
For prevent meat from addle, add the intersection of manpower and composite antiseptic including own two dilute acid, the intersection of benzene and the intersection of potassium and acid, calcium propionate, dehydrate acetic acid on the market generally When. The above are the chemical antiseptic that tradition added. Though can inhibit the growth of the mushroom, it is harmful to our human body to eat for a long time.
But we weighed in hundred million industrial Limited Companies and researched and developed " Flat and thin and chartaceous ' There is no crystalline solid) The light catalyst is that V8Tio2 physical water molecule endures the rice light catalyst and " can be applied to medical treatment and food fresh keeping When. Have, go fungus, prevent suntan Wait for multiple functions. Have medical patents in Taiwan and U.S.A.. Totally harmless to the human body, and can help our toxin releasing.
Taiwan weighs in hundred million industrial Limited Companies Office manager Lu YanWei