3 axle visit star type mix the thick liquid machine (disperse efficiency) with universe type
Lithium cell pulp mixing machine (disperse efficiency) Are two kinds of mechanical scatter and difference and quality functionally described?
First type: Lithium cell produce spend, 3 shaft type visit star type pulp mixing machine
1. Unloading is fast (excellent) ,And mix the chain to stir and disperse with strength (even mode of low quality) ,The above comprehensive bipunctate is (good and bad) ,It is by advanced country's science and technology, the technology import shifts the idea of process for preparing, therefore cause the industry of lithium cell, produce the lithium cell thick liquid in the process for preparing, therefore can not disperse homogeneously quality (bad difference factor) ,The idea technological break-through of scientific and technical personnel of the industry of lithium cell, think that looks for high-performance (filter and utensil) ,The above technological view is wrong, the pulp mixing material of lithium cell, because mix the chain and stir and disperse producing? Know (improve the static ion to mutually suck) The carbon granule powder has not dispersed the uneven key factor.
2.3 shaft type visit star type pulp mixing machine: The process for preparing produces the thick liquid apparatus of lithium cell (lack) Talk about? Process for preparing technology, star type mix hod, first according to fill a prescription, quench into organic solvent and interface active agent ranking, directly according to fill a prescription, quench the intersection of carbon granule and powder into star type pulp mixing machine by 3 shaft type, and mix the chain to stir and disperse evenly with strength, but (lack) Factor organic solvent and the intersection of interface and active agent (have efficient to dissolve member cross-linkage efficiency) ,(the thick thick liquid of liquefaction) So (lack) The factor is unable to be even, the carbon granule assumes the fracture damage as a matter of course, (the static ion is mutually sucked) ,3 shaft types swim star type pulp mixing machine pulp mixing even required powder not each disperses quality of meeting the qualification evenly, lithium cell thick liquid release direct empty to defoam and shut down, transport the intersection of lithium cell and thick liquid while being true, but 3 shaft type visit star the intersection of pulp mixing machine and the intersection of upper strata and powder each fallen into the pulp mixing finished product barrel, (lack) The lithium cell thick liquid of pollution disperses the factor such as being even.
Second type: Lithium cell is produced and used, the universe type pulp mixing machine (grind the agitator)
1. The slow speed of unloading is (bad) ,Light to stir the round screw die and mix the chain to disperse (even mode excellently) ,The above comprehensive bipunctate is (good and bad) ,It is by advanced country's science and technology, the technology import shifts the idea of process for preparing, the technological process for preparing of different idea apparatuses, it is lithium cell industry now, worker be ground material and research institutes chemical institute of, original creator technician study by experiment to be universe type pulp mixing (last agitator) ,The industry of lithium cell is invested and produced, receive advanced country's science and technology, the technology import shifts the idea of process for preparing, therefore is unable to break through, produce the lithium cell thick liquid in the process for preparing and therefore can not disperse homogeneously quality
(bad difference factor) ,Universe pulp mixing machine, light to stir round screw die mix chain (dispel static ion each other inhale and cut off) The carbon granule powder has not dispersed the even key factor.
2. Universe type pulp mixing machine (grind the agitator) : The process for preparing produces the (high-quality) thick liquid apparatus of lithium cell Talk about? Process for preparing technology, universe type mix hod, first according to fill a prescription, quench into organic solvent and interface active agent ranking, emulsify light to stir round screw die mix chain to be (efficient to dissolve member cross-linkage efficiency) (the thick thick liquid of liquefaction) directly according to fill a prescription, utilize empty the intersection of pan feeding and apparatus accuse of person who staple enable the intersection of carbon granule and powder cooperate the round screw die stir and disperse directly listing So even carbon granule and organic solvent and the intersection of interface and active agent, emulsify, analogous to (good) Lithium cell thick liquid, the carbon granule assumes the fracture damage as a matter of course, (dispel the static ion to mutually suck and cut off) There is not powder not each that fall into the pulp mixing finished product barrel definitely, (high-quality) Factors such as the pollution-free lithium cell thick liquid,etc..
The above-mentioned lithium cell pulp mixing machines (disperse efficiency) Are two kinds of mechanical scatter and difference and quality functionally described?
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