The cement sand starch light is (full of cracks, the sand arises, heave) The scheduling problem? The cement sand starch light is (full of cracks, the sand arises, heave) The scheduling problem?
First, three following pictures are the roof (full of cracks, the sand arises, heave) The scheduling problem that the evolutionary process leak?
1. 15 centimeters of structural sheet of the roof mix earth and form a vesicle immediately, the sand thick liquid has awls that piles the moisture content of the situation to run off, claim, know, pile, collect water, sew while being spiral, form a vesicle bike mix the earth and send a meal of the universe while stopping but emerges, claim to know obliquly to pile and collect water to sew.
2. Roof structural sheet board form empty to sew too big, and uneven spoon, mix earth, cross Xi and run off moisture content form a vesicle, it heat endure mud include full of cracks harden uneven, it dry and mix earth, send, have supplementary appropriate water amount have full of cracks coarse powder form a vesicle, therefore will get up to harden to supplement the sand phenomenon quickly coarse powder of moisture content.
3. The above-mentioned two points: It notice by weather and calculate now either by factory personnel constructing factor, form a vesicle car drive personnel and constructors, can export thick liquid mud all right and while transporting and mixing the earth, and,etc. constructors can wipe by horizon getting getting all more right off and be pay attention to mixing earth thick liquid, have full of cracks to collect water, sew situation, spray water in time, rub flat powder finish outer surface only smooth surface all right at the same time.
4. On roof and building stratification structure, and will add some chemical fibre silks and cement and add things such as pharmaceuticals,etc., attempt, improve, mix the intersection of earth and the intersection of thick liquid and completeness, but because very difficult to know the intersection of constructors and quality and form a vesicle train drive person, unable to observe weather change and transport ageing grasp but not while mixing the earth to send simple to rank, transport, form a vesicle while being careful, and,etc. factor be hardened to be produced (it is full of cracks, get up by sand, heave) .
Second, mix earth and form a vesicle immediately by 15 centimeters of structural sheet of the roof, on the thick bottom structural sheet, and utilize the mere surface of cement sand starch, construction thickness is 1.5 to 2.5 centimeters, it is detailed to increase superficial smoothness and density hole, waterproof result of Damien's water is to come: The first picture the stupid earth forms a vesicle and section system on optical layer of cement sand starch, second picture the intersection of cement and the intersection of sand and starch mere surface to utilize the intersection of macromolecule and coating, PU of resin, cooperate with fiber spend the intersection of graticule mesh and the intersection of construction and the intersection of law and section system in netted full of cracks situation, third picture.
1. 15 centimeters of structural sheet of the roof mix earth and form a vesicle, therefore utilize the mere surface of cement sand starch, the intersection of construction and 1.5 to 2.5 of thickness, it increases superficial smoothness and density to be hole detailed to defend, leak difficulty of having, because roof 15 of structural sheet it mixes earth to be high to inhale the thermal layer, the intersection of the indoor and most the intersection of Ling and air, produce structural sheet, claim, know, pile, collect water, sew while being spiral, form a vesicle bike mix the earth and send the universe once while stopping but emerges, claim, know oblique to pile, collect water, sew, first picture, and sunshine better to rank rain? The difference effect produces the air convection of the fever for Ling, the moisture content and phenomenon of producing leaking slowly that breathe in and collect water amount and assuare.
2. Because structural sheet claim, know, pile, collect water, sew, not oblique to pile, collect water, sew while being spiral, the above-mentioned two situation lack crack, utilize the intersection of cement and the intersection of sand and the intersection of starch and mere surface, the intersection of construction and 1.5 to 2.5 of thickness, it increases superficial smoothness and density to be hole detailed to defend, leak difficulty of having, will evolve the surface of cement nettedly (full of cracks, the sand arises, heavely) The scheduling problem of the second picture?
3. Must generally know and utilize the third picture to utilize macromolecule resin PU coating to cooperate with the fiber colored graticule mesh construction law section system, construction law waterproof the intersection of fact and slow phenomenon of leaking seriously, because the intersection of macromolecule and coating, PU of resin, unable ventilative sunshine better to rank? The difference effect produces the air convection of the fever for Ling, the moisture content and phenomenon of producing leaking slowly that breathe in and collect water amount and assuare, the beautiful macromolecule resin PU coating of surface heaves and breaks and stores and collects the moisture content even more.
4. 15 centimeters of structural sheet of the roof mix earth, utilize ceramic tile and marble board density, come waterproof to stop, leak, but the intersection of operational procedure and working the above, the bottom layer utilizes macromolecule resin PU coating to be coated, cover ceramic tile and marble board in 2 to 3 centimeters of grains of sand with the cement sand thick liquid Pu thick, when raining and was it listed that the sunshine is strong? The difference effect produces the air convection of the fever for Ling, breathe in and collect water amount, the phenomenon emerges and leaks slowly but some stage produces and bursts ceramic tile and marble board scheduling problem.
Third, cement sand thick liquid assistant of corn (cement sand thick liquid rice husk, the natural chemical reaction substrate of physics) in environment protecting mode Reach environmental protection and energy saving and reduce carbons and build the surface material of thing, substitute the poisonous high molecular material of technology of present situation and employ and enter functions such as BLDG various cement sand thick liquid substrate and surface material,etc. to demand technology (waterproof, full of cracks, ventilative, insulate against heat, be sound-absorbing, have accepting, decrement cement consumption and poisonous macromolecule resin of contracting to employ the BLDG) Wait for function technology to demand? .
1. The natural structure of the corn substrate of use but the new and high technology processes applying to the corn to deeply (cement sand thick liquid rice husk, natural chemical reaction substrate of physics) Reach environmental protection and energy saving and reduce carbons and build the surface material of thing, (waterproof, full of cracks, ventilative, insulate against heat, be sound-absorbing, have accepting, decrement cement consumption and poisonous macromolecule resin of contracting to employ the BLDG) Wait for function technology.
2. The corn substrate of use goes on (the natural chemical reaction substrate of physics) Deeply processed treatment technology, force the corn and wet cement sand thick liquid, the natural chemical reaction substrate particle of physics endures the rice catalyst molecule, and moisten skin the substrate of corn includes the particle and endures rice catalyst molecular weight yuan, rice husk wet assistant, add, the structural efficiency of the national standard, cement sand thick liquid and mixing the earth, can pay and construct various BLDGs and demand the function.