Thinning procedure process that beasts and birds' bone is processed

Thinning procedure process that beasts and birds' bone is processed

Growing the fresh bone can be divided into two big classes; Bone calcium pole and bone marrow glue
Daily life diet allocate high thick soup main composition (whether pig bone dredge dish endure and boil) Is it a soup juice of delicious flavor?
Beasts and birds through high fever steam water is it boil to endure, can quench bone is it is it seethe with excitement water getting rich soup realm of shaggy-fruited dittany to enter to dissolve at the same time for a long time bone.
Pig's bone is ground into the bone meal drily and added to the soup in front, reach getting rich shaggy-fruited dittany soup realm to can produce doubt; Bone calcium each dry crystalline solid, (whether bone fix soda very much and dredge with liquid dish endure and boil) to human field unable catabolism Have difficult labour life soda and dredge dish acid cook hot to roll getting rich soup realm of shaggy-fruited dittany very much.
General bone calcium pole processing thinning to arrange sometimes, bone calcium little particulate crystal structure injured human lung function catabolism?
Bone calcium pole processing thinning to must notice (whether bone calcium grind very small crystal membrane crystal structure) ,Is it boil bone calcium molecule can is it enter moisture group key Ho2 function catabolism beneficial to human lung to dissolve to endure.
Thinning procedure process that beasts and birds' bone is processed;
Grow the fresh bone - Inspection - Washing - Entangle and break to pieces - Crush thickly - Grind thinly and flatly - Grind the thick liquid ultrathinly =The bone calcium is up to the glue products - Ling hides the food to sell